Monday, October 8, 2012

Va Flaggers Update - VMFA

Va Flaggers Update - VMFA


September was a great month for the Va Flaggers at the VMFA.  We continued our twice weekly presence on the Boulevard, and had 3 Flaggings in the final week, heading eading up to our First Anniversary Picnic. With the changing weather bringing more folks out to the sidewalk, the Va Flaggers had more opportunities then ever to educate the public... changing hearts and minds!

Saturday, September 22nd: 11 Flaggers would forward the colors on this beautiful early fall day.

When a VA Flagger strolled onto the grounds of the Chapel to take some photos and get a look at the garden and was IMMEDIATELY accosted by VMFA Security who told him that he was not allowed on Confederate Memorial Park, carrying a Confederate Flag!!

He complied with his demands to leave the property, and went back to the sidewalk to continue flagging.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012 - An exciting day on the Boulevard! 12 Flaggers gathered. The first shift started at noon, with Flaggers arriving early to greet the Virginia Museum of Fine Arts Board of Trustees members, who were meeting at 1:00.

From the back entrance, the Flaggers were greeted enthusiastically by the Benedictine High School Senior Class as they were leaving. The Va Flaggers handed out literature and asked for their support.

The weather was pleasant, traffic was moderate, and conversations were good and plentiful.

Sadly, the Va Flaggers witnessed one of the most violent acts we have seen in our year of flagging at the VMFA. A man walked by and grabbed one of the Confederate flags which was positioned in a flag stand, tossed it into traffic, and ran off.

Flaggers were quick to retrieve it before any damage was done, but it is obvious that the folks are taking their lead from the VMFA leadership and finding sick pleasure in desecrating our flags and dishonoring our Confederate Veterans.

On Friday, September 28th,   Compatriot and SCV member Jeff Whitaker traveled from Florida to particapate in the flagging activities this weekend. Joined by his vivacious mother on the Boulevard we forwarded the colors until the thunderstorms made us seek shelter at 4:30. The traffic was slow, the  weather warm and the watchmen were kept busy.

At the end of August, we had a meeting with VMFA and Va State Officials, and outlined our concerns about the restrictions that have been placed on us in recent months, and the Virginia and Federal laws that are being violated.  We are currently following through with these issues and will have more to share soon.

Each week, twice a week, Va Flaggers advance the colors and educate the public about what the VMFA has done.  We need your help.  Join us if you can!  Our next flagging is THIS SATURDAY, October 6th, 11:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.  We also need EVERYONE to continue to contact the VMFA and ask them to RETURN the flags and RESTORE the honor.  Please take a few minutes today to call, email, or write.  EACH phone call, email, or letter is important in our efforts, and lets the VMFA know that what they have done will not be forgotten.

This week, we are asking you to contact Suzanne Hall, Chief Communications Officer at the VMFA.  She can be reached by phone at (804) 204-2704, by email at, or write to her at VMFA, 200 N. Boulevard, Richmond VA 23220.

RETURN the flags!

RESTORE the honor!

See you on the Boulevard!

Grayson Jennings

Va Flaggers