Help requested for Elizabethton, TN flaggers
Good Morning Everyone,
I have 2 areas that I want to talk about with everyone.
The first is the loss of the Confederate Memorial that was to have been placed in Elizabethton. Bill Hicks and Rick Morrell of Vaughns Brigade have for some time worked on getting a Confederate Memorial Stone, placed among the other memorials in town. They had gotten the City Council to approve placing the stone several months ago,had the memorial made and there was to be a dedication ceremony on Oct. 13th. This isn't going to happen because the Historic Zoning Commission voted it down 6-1. Mrs. Dawn Peters and others where there running there mouths as usual. They had also brought a black gentleman in to make his disdain for the monument heard. The Wautauga "Hysterical" Society are asking the Historical Zoning Comm. to add Green Hill Cemetery to there registry. If this happens the first thing to come down will be the flag and flag pole.
The second thing I want I would like to address is Flagging the Green Hill Cemetery twice next month. On October 6th and 20th, I would like to see a hundred people there with there flags. I am going to make a personal appeal to the Va. Flaggers and the Ga. Flaggers and Tennessee Flaggers to come and show support. Folks Carter Co. is about to lose it's Confederate Heritage due to an organization that is suppose to be a Historical Assc. but want to re-write a part of history and completely wipe it out. I beg each and everyone one of you not to let this happen. I know your Confederate Ancestors are just as important as mine or anyone elses. If Susan Hathaway and Billy Bearden would, please appeal to your flaggers and see if they can help us out next month. I know this is a lot to ask, because of travel and so forth, but if this isn't done and the WGA gets there way all is lost in Carter Co.
I hate to reach out like this, so I hope you'll understand. If you have any questions, please let Bill Hicks or myself know.
Tennessee Flagging Coordinator:
Col Mike Shaffer (Doc)
Bristol, Tenn. 37620