Seth Luther Addresses the Working-Men of New England in 1833
The highly-profitable cotton mills of early-1800s New England
were fueled by the slave labor of Southern plantations raising raw
cotton. Previously a labor intensive and unprofitable venture, cotton
production was turbocharged by New England tinkerer Eli Whitney's
invention. Add to this the credit extended to Southern planters by
Manhattan banks to expand their cotton lands and production to feed the
New England mills and their wage-slaves, one understands who exactly
perpetuated African slavery in the American South.
Bernhard Thuersam, Chairman
North Carolina War Between the States Sesquicentennial Commission
"The Official Website of the North Carolina WBTS Sesquicentennial"
North Carolina War Between the States Sesquicentennial Commission
"The Official Website of the North Carolina WBTS Sesquicentennial"
Seth Luther Addresses the Working-Men of New England in 1833:
"A [Western] member of the United States Senate seems to be
extremely pleased with cotton mills. He says in the Senate, "Who has
not been delighted with the clockwork movements of a large cotton
manufactory? He had visited them often, and always with increased
delight." And the grand climax [says the western senator] is that at
the end of the week, after working like slaves for thirteen or fourteen
hours every day, "they enter the temples of God on the Sabbath, and
thank him for all his benefits. . . ." We remark that whatever girls
or others may do west of the Allegheny Mountains, we do not believe
there can be a single person found east of those mountains who ever
thanked God for permission to work in a [New England] cotton mill. . . .
We would respectfully advise the honorable Senator to travel
incognito when he visits cotton mills. If he wishes to come at the
truth, he must not be known. Let him put on a short jacket and
trousers, and join the "lower orders" for a short time. . . . In that
case we could show him, in some of the prisons in New England called
cotton mills, instead of rosy cheeks, the pale, sickly, haggard
countenance of the ragged child--haggard from the worse than slavish
confinement in the cotton mill.
He might see that child driven up to the "clockwork" by the
cowskin [whip], in some cases. He might see, in some instances, the
child taken from his bed at four in the morning, and plunged into cold
water to drive away his slumbers and prepare him for the labors of the
mill. After all this he might see that child robbed, yes, robbed of a
part of his time allowed for meals by moving the hands of the clock
backwards, or forwards, as would best accomplish that purpose. . . . He
might see in some, and not infrequent, instances, the child, and the
female child too, driven up to the "clockwork" with the cowhide, or
well-seasoned strap of American manufacture.
We could show him many females who have had corporeal punishment
inflicted upon them; one girl eleven years of age who had her leg
broken with a billet of wood; another who had a board split over her
head by a heartless monster in the shape of an overseer of a cotton
mill "paradise." We shall for want of time….omit entering more largely
into detail for the present respecting the cruelties practiced in some
of the American mills. Our wish is to show that education is
neglected,….because if thirteen hours' actual labor is required each
day, it is impossible to attend to education among children, or to
improvement among adults."
[Luther also noted the one-sided nature of labor contracts in
the 1830s, the following from Cocheco Manufacturing Company (a textile
firm operating in Dover, New Hampshire]
We, the subscribers [the undersigned], do hereby agree to enter
the service of the Cocheco Manufacturing Company, and conform, in all
respects, to the regulations which are now, or may hereafter be
adopted, for the good government of the institution.
We further agree to work for such wages per week, and prices by
the job, as the Company may see fit to pay, and be subject to the fines
as well as entitled to the premiums paid by the Company.
We further agree to allow two cents each week to be deducted from our wages for the benefit of the sick fund.
We also agree not to leave the service of the Company without
giving two weeks' notice of our intention, without permission of an
agent. And if we do, we agree to forfeit to the use of the Company two
weeks' pay.
We also agree not to be engaged in any combination [union]
whereby the work may be impeded or the Company's interest in any work
injured. If we do, we agree to forfeit to the use of the Company the
amount of wages that may be due to us at the time.
We also agree that in case we are discharged from the service of
the Company for any fault, we will not consider ourselves entitled to
be settled with in less than two weeks from the time of such
(Seth Luther, An Address to the Working-Men of New-England, Seth Luther, 1833, Boston, pp. 17-21, 36)