Sunday, October 7, 2012

Mr. Bill Vallante Takes Up the Discussion with Dr. Guelzo

Lincoln and the "central idea of America"
As I told y'all, old Guelzo and I know each other well from having crossed swords in the past. (See below)

How I do wish dueling were still legal!!!!
Hey there you old pompous gasbag..... Yes, you could smell us coming.... it was usually a smell that warned you that you were going to get your bluebelly ass kicked.

And yes, slavery is indeed unimportant - my own ancestors (the Romans) were expert at it and I offer absolutely NO apologies on their behalf. So it follows then that I offer no apologies on behalf of my confederate cousins. As for "taking it upon yourself" - whatever that's supposed to mean, I invite you, if you are so concerned about the evils of slavery, to "take it upon yourself" and get off your fat ass and venture over to Africa (where slavery still exists today) - you can have a jolly old time fighting it in the present, instead of berating people who practiced it in the past. Just let me know when you're going to do it - because I've got a bunch of money that says you pee your pants before you get half way over there.
Bill Vallante

"The individual states of the American Union could not have possessed any state sovereignty of their own. For it was not these states that formed the Union , on the contrary it was the Union which formed a great part of the so-called states." Adolph Hitler, Mein Kampf
Ah, the inestimible Mr. Vallante! How very nice of you to come to the assistance of one of your faltering puppets. What a dreamland you occupy: protesting big government, defending the original model of big government (namely, the C.S.A.)...despising socialism, representing a socialist government (again, the C.S.A.)...dismissing slavery as unimportant, but never volunteering to take it upon yourself, and long-windedly pointing the finger at others for enslaving Americans. It was said that the Confederate army could be smelled before it could be seen; I am happy to have empirical confirmation of that.
(Dr) Allen C. Guelzo
Henry R. Luce Professor of the Civil War Era
Director, Civil War Era Studies Program
Gettysburg College
300 N. Washington Street
Gettysburg, PA  17325
To: Dr. Guelzo,
War crimes committed by Union troops under the command of Abraham Lincoln and U.S Grant were as bad or worse than any atrocities carried out by Hitler's Waffen SS and Stalin's NKVD.  Lincoln's father-in-law and Grant's wife were slave owners and their slaves were never freed by Lincoln.  It would be my pleasure to furnish you with a list of reference materials that back up what I say.  A good start would be War Crimes Against Southern Civilians by Walter Bryan Cisco.  If you start this journey, keep an airsickness bag handy.  I heard a lecture from the man who liberated Buchenwald so I don't say this lightly.

My very best regards,
Joe Jordan
Kindly understand that you are speaking in defense of a Confederate regime which imposed an internal passport system on its people, invented the first steeply-graduated personal income tax, levied the first conscription law on Americans, nationalized private industries, and above all reduced four million human beings to chattel slavery. Only Hitler and Stalin exceeded this regime in its brutality, hatred of freedom, and contempt for business, capital and enterprise. And yet you defend it. You seem to imagine that because the modern-day federal government has become a bloated and uncontrollable bureaucracy, that anyone in the past who opposed the federal govermment (namely, the Confederacy) occupies the same ground as those who today resist that bureaucracy. That is untrue. The Confederacy, not Lincoln's Union, is the model for what we have to-day.

(Dr) Allen C. Guelzo
Henry R. Luce Professor of the Civil War Era
Director, Civil War Era Studies Program
Gettysburg College
300 N. Washington Street
Gettysburg, PA  17325
From: Bill Vallante <>
To: Allen Guelzo <>
If I wanted to read the ramblings of an arrogant dictator, all I have to do is head over to the library and see if they have one of your books in stock.

As for not Sherman and Sheridan not beating up anyone, I'd give you examples, but you probably wouldn't believe me so what's the point?? Besides, we both know that this exchange isn't an historical debate. Let's man-up and say what this really's an exchange between two individuals who hate each other and who each hate what the other stands for....nothing more. If dueling were legal, we'd both be standing in front of the "Peace Monument" (these days it's become an oxymoron) with pistols in our hands.

And as for whipping "recalcitrant slaves", first, slaves sometimes got whipped when they broke the rules. Deal with it. Soldiers in both armies were whipped or bucked and gagged when they went AWOL or fell asleep at their posts. Again, deal with it. And as far as the alleged Lee incident is concerned, all there is to back that up is the word of one guy who apparently had a bone to pick. The question is, do you believe it or don't you? You do, I don't.

It must be very gratifying to sit in your high holy chair, sheltered in the stench of academia (such is academia today), and believe that you are better than anyone else and that you stand for all that is good and holy....but wait.... you haven't answered my original question! When are you taking that trip to Africa Mr. Guelzo? Please, let me know! I can hardly wait to see how you fare among the savages as you pursue your emancipation crusade! Don't torment me...I'm dying to place that bet I told you about!
From: Allen Guelzo <>
To: Bill Vallante <>
Don't you think there's something peculiar in classifying emancipation as abuse, or quoting Hitler as an authority on American government and history? If you don't own Mein Kampf, you might consider purchasing a copy. I understand the Germans are finally lifting their publication ban on it, which will make it possible for you to read it in its original incoherence.
I am unaware that Sherman or Sheridan ever beat up anyone; this is in contrast to Robert E. Lee, who as you know whipped recalcitrant slaves.
(Dr) Allen C. Guelzo
Henry R. Luce Professor of the Civil War Era
Director, Civil War Era Studies Program
Gettysburg College
300 N. Washington Street
Gettysburg, PA  17325
From: Bill Vallante
To: Allen Guelzo
Funny how a Sherman/Sheridan fan would accuse me of "beating up women and children." If it's the abuse of the helpless you're searching for, I suggest you look to your own side.
As for my "type of reading," I don't own the book. In fact, the only book I would be less likely to buy than that one would be one written by you. But the quote has been cited by several authors and it is fact. As for Hitler loving Lincoln, all I can say is "Gee!? Why am I NOT surprised???"
From: Allen Guelzo <>
To: Bill Vallante <>
Not as badly as we kicked yours here in Gettysburg. Fun to see you petty tyrants, who thought beating up women and children made you look strong, running like curs for the safety of the Potomac. Nice to see the type of reading you do, too, and what figures in history you look up to. I'd recommend Stalin, Lenin, and Quisling as good supplementary texts, but I should warn you that there are no pictures to color.