Sunday, October 7, 2012

Discussions Regarding Dr Guelzo

Dear Bill



Thank you! Thank you! Thank you for keeping that pencil sharp and the retorts even sharper.

We need more audacious supporters like you and Valerie.

How true it is that the facts are wasted on those already indoctrinated by public schools and the biased media.

All the best,

Nancy Hitt

Keep up the skeer


Re: Dear Bill



Thanks Nancy. Believe it or not, old Guelzo is still going at it and sending me emails. He seems determined to have the last word.  I must have really irritated him..... can't imagine why he finds me so irritating?! LOL!

Seriously, facts are wasted on people like him. About all that can be accomplished with something like this is to raise his blood pressure and hope he has "the big one."

Facts and serious discussions are best reserved for people whose minds are not made up. Several months ago I attended a park service seminar in Gettysburg. On one of the ranger walks, while the group was heading back to their cars, I overheard the ranger tell several folks who had questions that the South had a guilty conscience over slavery and that it was fearful of being punished for its transgression..... I whirled around and interrupted the "conversation" and told him that he might do well to explain to the attendees exactly what was meant by the phrase "the horrors of San Domingo." I then gave a quick explanation of the Haitian uprising which killed nearly all of the 40000 whites and 25000 mulattos on that island and which featured white infants being impaled and carried on black spears, men being dismembered while still alive, and their wives being gang raped on top of their husbands' dead bodies. The ranger had no answer. But I could not help notice the looks on the faces of the people he had been lecturing to..... they had this "I didn't know that" look on their faces! Now they know something that they didn't know before. The two minutes it took to do this exchange did more good than insulting the likes of an Allen Guelzo...

By the way, several months ago I spoke to someone who works for the Park Svc and who knows Guelzo well. (this is not the first "exchange" I've had with Guelzo by the way), The person I spoke to is as "PC" as they come. However, when I asked him what he thought about prof Guelzo, he said that Guelzo is "extremely impressed with himself!!" Again, this is an observation from someone who tows the party line, one of Guelzo's own. Apparently, Guelzo is the ultimate narcissist.... a yankee trait if there ever was one.


Re: Dear Bill



I remember one Civil War Roundtable at a local bookstore. As we were leaving, a young man mentioned that the South had attacked the North (I assume he meant Sumter). I said, "No, the South did not attack anyone. The Southern states did not wish to RULE the Union; they wished only to LEAVE the Union because they were being robbed blind and impoverished by the fascism prevalent in the North at the time. Tax money from the Southern states raised by levying huge tariffs was given to the cronies and business partners of the Northern politicians. Everybody made out - but the Southern citizen whose money was stolen. Having decided that it was no longer for the good of their people to remain in such a Union, several Southern states decided to LEAVE - that is, to secede - and form their own union. However, this was not universally desired by many Southern states INCLUDING Virginia, the Mother of States and the Mother of Presidents. But Virginia also seceded when Lincoln demanding 75,000 troops to wage unconstitutional and treasonous war upon South Carolina, Georgia, Florida et al. Along with Virginia, North Carolina ALSO "went out."

This young man had never heard the matter put in that way and said that he would have to look into the matter. I told him NOT to read the current accepted "history," but to look to other works, and I gave him information and websites. I don't know if he followed through, but he learned something because his mind was open. Sometimes a little bit of knowledge is WORSE than ignorance.





All too often, the obvious escapes people. Assume for a moment that the South attacked Sumter without any provocation whatsoever. Assume that they never sent 3 representatives to meet with Lincoln in order to negotiate removal of federal troops, 3 representatives who were ignored..... So Sumter gets bombarded, only one guy gets killed when his cannon blows up, and..... the freakin' north launches an all out 4 year long invasion of the south?????? Can we spell "OVERREACTION"?????????????????? Nowhere did the South express any desire to take over the north....rather, it is on record as having asked, "all we ask is to be left alone." Firing on Sumter to recover South Carolina territory should provoke a full scale invasion lasting 4 years and costing nearly a quarter of a million lives? What the hell is the sense in that.....unless..... the issue is not simply a little fort, but a northern refusal to let the south go in peace. Yeah, the south attacked the a**!


RE: Dear Bill



Thank you, good sir, whoever you are, for including me in the "CC" list on this. You have no way of knowing how badly I needed the laughs your note gave me. I work, you see, for "dot gov," so I am in the Belly of the Beast all the time, and today has been the worst day of an already unpleasant week—and it ain't even over yet!

But after today's exchange with my "superiors" at "dot gov," something inside me snapped, so it's early retirement for me! "Better the shot, the blade, the bowl Than crucifixion of the soul!" Which is what it is.

I'm an honorably discharged veteran who has been shot at by people who meant to kill me. Beirut, back in the 80s (if anybody even remembers that war these days), when I first began to grasp, to my horror and shame, that I was just a cog in the wheels of the invading Yankee Army, which led me to start voting for Ron Paul in 1988—a practice I am proud to say I have kept up to the present day. I have survived cancer. I have buried my eldest child. I have two grandchildren. And I am treated like a ten-year-old by my "superiors"—Yankees and foreigners ALL—at dot gov. And today I finally got a belly full of the Yankee Empire. So your note made me laugh. Damn near stood up and cheered, except that there's nobody to cheer at.

But thanks for including me in the "cc" list. It is almost Providential in its timing. Confirms my decision to get the h**l away from "dot gov." I'm too old for this bovine fecal matter. Too old. Been through too much to put up with the constant "chipping away" at my soul by these parasites from the Frozen Nawth and various pagan countries.

So you—and Nancy, of course!—have lifted my spirits—and at a time that seems Providential. Thanks! You just don't know.

Richard Noegel

Augusta, Georgia (The "Real" Augusta)

PS: I recognize "Demastus" from YEARS ago. When we marched in Columbia, SC, perhaps? Or in Montgomery? Or in Selma, as part of the General Forrest "bust affair"? Rings a bell, but so much has happened to me since those days that I can't quite place it. Give me a hint, and let me see whether I can place you. We have done something together before, I'm sure of that much. The Southern Party Convention with the Baxters when we were in Charleston for the Hunley Funeral? Was that it? It's been YEARS now, but I recognize "Demastus." I know you somehow. Defending the honor of the South together—that much I'm sure of, but when and where?