I had the opportunity to contribute through the webpage this morning. Please be sure if you contribute to choose the Leavenworth National Cemetery and not Fort Leavenworth Cemetery. The Team Leader is Col. Ronald Behm and you are in the correct place if you see his name.
I am copying others that have contributed in the past. Its great when we have a large crowd in attendance and help to place the wreaths. You will be glad you were there so please join us.
This is a special solemn event and I hope you will contribute and join us on December 14th.
Bob Capps
President Kansas Society
Sons of the American Revolution
Subject: FW: Heart of America Wing Fund Support of 2013 Wreaths Across America @ Leavenworth National Cemetery
I am copying others that have contributed in the past. Its great when we have a large crowd in attendance and help to place the wreaths. You will be glad you were there so please join us.
This is a special solemn event and I hope you will contribute and join us on December 14th.
Bob Capps
President Kansas Society
Sons of the American Revolution
Subject: FW: Heart of America Wing Fund Support of 2013 Wreaths Across America @ Leavenworth National Cemetery
KSSSAR Board of Governors,
Please pass on to your chapter members. The Kansas Society has participated for several years in Wreaths Across American. This is your opportunity to make a contribution by buying a wreath or wreaths to support out efforts. The KSSSAR Color Guard participates each year at Leavenworth National Cemetery and this is considered a National and State event.
In addition to purchasing a wreath we appreciate any members that can attend this solemn event. After the ceremony the Color Guard passes out wreaths to be placed on the veterans graves. I promise you will be glad you attended.
Bob Capps
President Kansas Society
Sons of the American Revolution
Please pass on to your chapter members. The Kansas Society has participated for several years in Wreaths Across American. This is your opportunity to make a contribution by buying a wreath or wreaths to support out efforts. The KSSSAR Color Guard participates each year at Leavenworth National Cemetery and this is considered a National and State event.
In addition to purchasing a wreath we appreciate any members that can attend this solemn event. After the ceremony the Color Guard passes out wreaths to be placed on the veterans graves. I promise you will be glad you attended.
Bob Capps
President Kansas Society
Sons of the American Revolution
You have supported Wreaths Across America in past years. CAF Heart of America Wing is fund raising wreath support. Expectations are for the event to surpass past years. Come join us.
Those wishing to purchase Christmas wreaths for the 14 December 2013 program have two price options:> $30.00 buys 3 wreaths on the "3 for 2" pricing by purchasing under the below HOA Fund Raising Group. See below.> Wreaths priced at $15.00 each, when not purchasing with our HOA group.Hope this note provides clarity to the options.
Cut-off date for online wreath sponsorships is 02 Dec 2013.
Thank you in advance for your support.Regards,Col. Ronald Behm, CAFHOAW WAA / POC
Heart of America Wing
Please consider supportingWreaths Across Americaby providing a wreath to be placed on the grave site of a Veteran atLeavenworth National Cemetery.
National Wreaths Across America DaySaturday, December 14, 201310:30 AMLeavenworth National Cemetery
CAF Heart of America Wing has establisheda Fund Raising Group
Go to: www.wreathsacrossamerica.orgclick: Our Locations Mapclick: Kansasclick: KSLNCL - Leavenworth National Cemeteryclick: Fund Raising Group Page (blue background)click: KSCAF01 - CAF HOAWclick: Make a Gift - under barometerEnter amount of donationCAF HOAW is enrolled in "3 for 2" program$30 sponsors 3 wreathsComplete credit card sponsorship informationCut-off December 2, 2013Thank you for your consideration,Col. Ronald Behm, CAF2013 WAA / POC