Sunday, October 25, 2015

Rally Against Nikki Haley Over Confederate Flag in Greenville, SC from Sept. 18th, 2015


Found this on YouTube.

Though the person taking this video did not support our efforts, I was proud to attend with Mark, my fellow Confederate Society Compatriot. We traveled from NC to stand with our Confederate brethren, especially our SC Compatriot Joe Payne. This event center is located on a heavily traveled road that merges into I-385. We got extreme exposure to both the public and media. The local media filmed and conducted interviews. I was interviewed by NPR (I'm sure it was edited - big time) and a local reporter.

This was more than a rally against Gov. Haley. It was about sending a message to those attending the sold out Presidential candidates forum that none of the candidates will stop the Marxist takeover of America. Many of us wore red shirts in honor of Wade Hampton's Red Shirts of the mid 1870's, when he stood against the carpetbaggers and scalawags doing the deeds of the Radical Republicans who had taken over the State government at the time.

Our symbolic gesture was apropos for our times as well.

I held a gold sign with scarlet lettering which read: Red Shirts Against Red Gov't. The word "against" was in black lettering. Though the moniker was my creation, a lifelong friend here in NC professionally made it. Mark and I are at the very beginning of the video, though it is hard to see us through a flatbed's side walls.

More on this event later.