Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Va Flaggers: VMFA Update 4-25-2013

Like many of you, March, and especially April have been busy months for the Va Flaggers.  While we have been involved in many Memorial Services and Confederate History and Heritage Month activities, we have by no means neglected our duty at the Virginia Museum of Fine Arts.
Throughout March, Flaggers were on the Boulevard AT LEAST twice a week, sometimes more, forwarding the colors and reminding museum officials that we will not go away until the Battle Flags are returned to the Confederate Memorial Chapel.  At our March monthly meeting, Flaggers Gracie and Maddie Lewis were presented with Flagger bags, just like the one Miss Susan carries, filled with Flagger ammo and supplies. The following Saturday, they were on the Boulevard, taking names and recording activity. 
11 Year old Gracie filed this report:
"Today flagging traffic was in the middle and a few people stopped to talk to talk with us and we had a good talk with a lady who had seen us out there for the last few weeks. The weather was perfect for flagging:  67 degrees and very sunny. Got lots of good honks, and also some bad honks. The people that showed up was Jack, Tripp, Judy, Barry, Jimmy, Fred, Tommy, Sid, Christian, Grace, Maddie, and Laura! We all had a great day and I love taking reports for you they are fun to write to you! So thank you so much for the note pad! " - Grace Lewis, March 30, 2013
April began with cool temperatures.  11 Flaggers were out on Tuesday, April 2nd, and a local photographer came out to take photographs and a VCU film student was on hand, recording for a documentary.  Saturday, April 6th found 9 Flaggers on duty, while another group was assisting with the Chesterfield County Confederate History and Heritage Day.  Thanks to the dedication of our Flaggers, we were able to cover both fronts!  :)
AND what a day it was on the Boulevard!  April 6th was Civil War and Emancipation Day in Richmond. Tourists were shuttled around Richmond to visit slavery sites, walk in the footsteps of Lincoln, tour local museums, and one such stop was right in front of the VMFA.  Our troops were spread on two fronts...  On the Chapel side, Sid and Susan Lester dressed in period attire and attracted the attention of tourists and a photographer who set up a shoot on the Chapel grounds.  Aside from being the only Confederate presence that day, we also had the chance to speak to every visitor about the VMFA and their disrespect of our Confederate Veterans.
On the Boulevard side, Flaggers were there to meet the buses, armed with Lincoln literature (thanks Ms. Lunelle!) and Chapel flyers.  Traffic was steady ALL DAY and many, many good conversations were held.  Pictured below is the site that greeted those who got off the bus, and a man from England who asked to pose with a flag. 
Many, many requests were made to pose for photos with the Flaggers, and we were glad to oblige, and to have the opportunity to share information with them.
One of the stops on the tour was the UDC Headquarters' Building. At one point, the Boulevard Flaggers were positioned on the sidewalk in front of the building, distributing the Lincoln and Chapel literature and sharing information with those who came to tour the facilities.  Shortly after arriving, two security guard came out of the building and told us we would have to move away from in front of the UDC building or they were going to call the police.  Of course, if there is one thing Flaggers know inside and out, it is the law about public display on sidewalks, and we, of course, informed them that the UDC did not own the sidewalk and could not have us removed. We encouraged them to call the Richmond Police, as they know us well and we have a very good relationship with them.
No police ever did show, and we were actually able to talk to many, many folks, including the group of folks pictured below, one of whom turned out to be a recruit for the SCV!  :)
Wednesday, April 10th saw 10 Flaggers on the Boulevard.  Traffic was light, as it has been most of this month.  It appears that the new "PoPTart" exhibit has not been drawing much of a crowd at the museum.  Still, it was a good evening, with several good conversations.
Saturday, April 13th was another quiet day and we had 10 Flaggers, despite the fact that we had troops at the Museum of the Confederacy's Appomattox Birthday party, Stone Mountain, and out in the Blue Ridge Mountains!  Again, traffic was slow, but our flags were flying and there was a  decidedly Confederate presence at Confederate Memorial Park.
Thursday, April 18th was a WARM day!  It was 83 degrees when 5 Flaggers took to the Boulevard. Another quiet evening, and the woman pictured below was visiting from out of state.  When she saw the flags she stopped to ask what was going on, pledged her support for our efforts, and asked to take a photo with her Grandson. 
Saturday, April 20th was a GREAT day!  BEAUTIFUL weather and the best conversations reported in quite some time! 
The young man on the left is Tyler...
"This is Tyler, he walked up with a little flag in his hand. I asked him who he was and said he was sent by Kristian, our Norwegian friend, to come Flag with us. He met him over at VCU. I gave him a big Flag to fly and he's very happy. He had never seen the Chapel before so I sent him in so David can give him a tour so he will have more knowledge before Flagging with us today:)) What a great Day in Dixie:))  - Jimmy Creech, Va Flaggers
Thank you for bearing with us for this lengthy update, but we didn't want any of you to miss out on the fun and excitement that has been happening on the Boulevard as we usher in spring in the Capital of the Confederacy.
Our fight to return the flags to the Confederate Memorial Chapel continues on many other fronts, as well.  We urge you to join us, and take a stand for the Confederate Soldiers who lived and died on the grounds of Confederate Memorial Park.  All that is needed is a Confederate heart and a desire to make a difference.  We can supply training, ammo, and even flags, if needed.
Our next flagging is TODAY, Thursday, April 25th, from 3:00 p.m. to dusk.  We will also be out THIS Saturday, April 27th, from Noon till 4:00 p.m.  If you cannot join us, PLEASE help support us by calling the VMFA (804.340.1506) or emailing them: visitorservices@vmfa.museum and tell them to honor American Veterans by returning the Confederate Battle Flags to the Confederate Memorial Chapel.
April is Confederate History and Heritage month.  What better way to honor our soldiers than by defending the flags under which they fought and died.
RETURN the flags!
RESTORE the honor!
See you on the Boulevard...
Grayson Jennings
Va Flaggers

Thursday, April 25th:  Flagging the VMFA, 3-Dusk
Saturday, April 27th:  Flagging the VMFA Noon - 4 p.m.
Saturday, April 27th:   Susan will be traveling to Tampa, FL to represent the Va Flaggers and speak at the ceremony to raise the "World's Largest 3rd National Flag" by Gen. Jubal A. Early, Camp #556, SCV.   http://www.tampascv.org/3rd%20national.htm
Tuesday, April 30th:  7:00 p.m. at the Bedford County/City Museum on Main Street in Bedford, VA (across Court Street from the Bedford Court House)  Tripp, Barry and Susan will travel to Bedford, Virginia to speak to the BEDFORD RIFLE GRAYS #1475, Camp, Sons of Confederate Veterans.
Saturday, May 4th:  10:30 a.m. - Commemoration of the Sesquicentennial of Lt. Gen. Thomas "Stonewall" Jackson Lying in State at the Old House Chamber, State Capitol, Richmond, VA.
Saturday, May 11th:  11:00 a.m. - Annual J.E.B. Stuart Memorial Service at the Yellow Tavern Monument in Glen Allen, VA, sponsored by the Richmond-Stonewall Jackson Chapter #1705, UDC.
Saturday, May 11th:  4:00 p.m. - Confederate Medal of Honor Memorial Service, Blanford Church on the grounds of Blanford Cemetery in Petersburg.
Saturday, June 8th:  Annual birthday ceremony for Jefferson F. Davis, at Hollywood Cemetery, Richmond, Virginia.  Keynote speaker will be Mr. Bert Hayes-Davis, great great grandson of Jeff Davis. 
Saturday, June 29th:  10:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. 22nd Annual Point Lookout Pilgrimage, Confederate Memorial Park, Point Lookout, MD.
Monday, June 31st:  6:30 p.m. - Susan and Barry will be traveling to Va Beach to speak to the Princess Anne Camp #484 of the Sons of Confederate Veterans, Gus and George's Spaghetti and Steakhouse, 4312 Virginia Beach, VA