July 17 - 20, 2013 Vicksburg, Mississippi
The Awards Manual may be downloaded from the SCV website. Previous editions of the Awards Manual are obsolete.
Awards Display
The SCV Awards Display will be set-up for the National Convention in Vicksburg near the SCV General Headquarters table by noon on Wednesday, July 17, 2013. This is the drop-off and pick-up point for all SCV awards at the convention.
Best Camp Award
Camps who wish to participate in this competition should print a copy from the SCV website or they may request one from GHQ if they have no internet access. Entry forms should be sent to:
Granvel J. Block
Distinguished Camp Competition
1604 Buckingham Dr
Orange TX 77632
All entries should be on the new form approved effective March 19, 2013 which is available on the SCV website. Please check and make sure you have the current form. The deadline to submit best camp entry forms is June 14, 2013.
Newsletter Awards
To be entered in the newsletter competition, four (4) copies of each newsletter issued during the eligibility period must be submitted to the National Awards Committee by June 14, 2013. Eligibility period is July 2012 issue through June 2013 issue. See the Awards Manual for all details that must accompany the entry. Newsletters may be submitted in hard copy or sent electronically to:
Granvel J. Block
Newsletter Awards
1604 Buckingham Dr
Orange TX 77632
Scrapbook and Historical Project Award
Entries for the scrapbook or historical project awards must be delivered to the awards display table not later than 5:00 p.m., Thursday, July 14, 2013. No entries will be accepted after that time. Camps must arrange to pick up their entries on Saturday, prior to the dismantling of the Awards Display Table. Entries not picked up will be discarded at the end of the convention. See the Awards Manual for requirements and details for these awards.
Best Website Award
SCV units interested in competing for the Best Website Award should submit their URL through the link on the front page of the website at no later than June 14, 2013. Judging will be performed by experienced webmasters outside the SCV, based on generally recognized criteria for website excellence. Judging will take place between June 14 and July 05, 2013.
Individual Member Awards
Army Commanders and Division Commanders should submit award nominations no later than May 17, 2013. The form for submitting award nominations can be found on under Forms and Documents at:
Documents - in word format.
The form in PDF format is at the following address:
Information about the requirements for various awards can be found in he Awards Manual at the following address:
Award nominations should be sent to Chief of Staff Rand at and Bryan Sharp at Award nominations must be submitted no later than May 17, 2013 to allow time for review, consultation with and approval by the Commander in Chief, and to allow time for GHQ to prepare the awards to include the names in the Awards Luncheon Booklet.
Presentation of Awards
All awards will be presented at the Awards Luncheon on Friday, July 19, 2013 or at the Saturday night banquet on July 20, 2013. Please pick up your awards after the luncheon as well as those of men in your camp to take them home with you. This simple process will save the SCV hundreds of dollars of postage expense.