Saturday, April 27, 2013

Confederate Memorial Day ceremony

Confederate Memorial service
Last Sunday I had the pleasure of attending the Confederate Memorial service sponsered by the United Daughters of the Confederacy at Forrest Cemetery. It was a very historically enlightening service which commemorated the 150th  anniversary of the crossing of Black Creek by General Forrest and his men and the exploits of Emma Sansom. But apparently due to politically  correct expediency on the part of the Gadsden Times, not one word was mentioned in this daily publication nor any on site coverage whatsoever. This has become the norm for the times and I should not have expected anything different. Also, this is also the 150th anniversary of the death of Pvt. Robert Turner of the 4th Tenn. Cavalry. He was killed at the Battle of Black Creek and buried by Emma Sansom and her sister next to her father in the Sansom cemetery which is now in the median of Meighan Boulevard across from the old high school. I placed a grave marker there for him twenty four years ago. He is the only marked killed in action on what is now Etowah County soil. Again, thanks to the Gadsden Times for their diversity and the coverage of this event.
I remain,
Hunter Phillips


To the Editor:
Last Sunday the United Daughters of the Confederacy had a Confederate Memorial Day ceremony at Forrest Cemetery in Gadsden. Why didn`t your newspaper cover this event or any events like it for that matter?
It was a local event in the City of Gadsden covering a part of Etowah Counties history yet, you deemed it unacceptable for print. The job of a local newspaper is to cover local news & events, in this department you continue to fail miserably.
One would think that your staff are former employees of the state newspaper Pravda of the old former Soviet Union. Instead of covering local news & events that are of interest to the majority of your local readers you only publish those things you deem politically correct & acceptable to a small minority of readers & follow the politically correct party line.
This would be great if a newspapers job was to give only your personal preferences & opinions but, it’s not, its supposed to be in business to give facts on the happenings of the day in Gadsden. Perhaps your subscription rate would be higher if you ran your paper like a business.
In my area there are two local deliveries of newspapers, The Gadsden Times & The Birmingham News. I subscribe to neither for the exact same reasons, you don`t report news you try to manipulate & twist facts or outright create news based on your own liberal leanings.
In the future if I decide to subscribe to a newspaper I think I`ll see if North Korea will deliver their state ran newspaper to my front door as it will cover more actual facts than your supposed to be local newspaper, The Gadsden Times.
Billy E. Price
Ashville, Al.