Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Help Us Save 37 Acres at Chancellorsville!

Civil War Trust

Help Us Save 37 Acres at Chancellorsville!
Just after 5:00 p.m. on May 2, 1863, 28,000 men of Stonewall Jackson's corps exploded from the woods along the Orange Turnpike and dashed upon the unsuspecting Yankees of the Eleventh Corps. The Alabamians of George Doles' brigade advanced on the farm of James Talley, where the Federals were trying to rally, but, as one of Doles' men put it, "they may as well have tried to stop a cyclone." Jackson's Flank Attack was in its full fury and could not be stopped.
Now, just in time for the battle's 150th anniversary, the Civil War Trust has the opportunity to preserve 37 acres of the Chancellorsville battlefield, along the route of Jackson's famous Flank Attack. These two parcels along modern day Route 3–which include the site of the Talley Farm–will be added to the more than 115 acres of Jackson's Flank Attack that the Trust and its partners have saved, allowing us to protect another missing piece of this important battlefield forever.
Help Us Save 37 Acres at Chancellorsville!