Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Richmond Mushroom Festival 2013

Richmond Mushroom Festival is this weekend May 3rd and 4th  I will be setting up the recruitment booth Friday morning in between 7:30 and 8:00 am.  The recruitment booth space number is 105 and is on the southeast side of the downtown Courthouse square.  Saturday I will be arriving at 8:00 am on the square.  Jimmy Dykes Construction will be pulling us in the parade.  Line up starts at 11:00.  We will be in the Richmond High School parking lot in between 10:30 and 11:00 am.  The High School is right off of 13 and 210 highway to the north.  Google map it or contact me for information.  The weather looks to be a bit tolarable and in the 50`s.  Bring you chairs and flags on flag poles if you want to ride in the parade.  Hang out with us in the recruitment booth downtown.  We have lots to sell and new members to recruit.
Jason-Nathaniel: coffman