In the first three weeks of May 1863, Ulysses S. Grant's Army of the Tennessee handed their Confederate counterparts one defeat after another. On May 22, with his enemy trapped inside the City—and believing one good push would break the Southern defenses—Grant ordered an all-out assault on the Vicksburg lines. In one sector, troops from Maj. Gen. John A. McClernand's Thirteenth Corps breached the Confederate works in a vicious hand-to-hand struggle, but it was to no avail. The breach was sealed and the Federals repulsed. Grant would need to find another way into Vicksburg.
The Civil War Trust now has the opportunity to do some we have never done before-save land at Vicksburg. This commercially-zoned 11-acre tract—where McClernand's troops formed for their May 22 assault—abuts the Vicksburg National Military Park along I-20, making it ripe for development. Fortunately, with help of Federal matching funds, we are able to double the power of your donation.
Help us make Trust history and save Vicksburg.