Saturday, October 11, 2014

SCV Telegraph- Special Merchandise Offer

   Sons of Confederate                                            Veterans

In an effort to better advertise discounted merchandise to the membership, I have decided to post special priced items to the Telegraph so that members can make the most of the sale. There are two items from our catalogue that have been included in this email. This is only the beginning , so look for future posts to the Telegraph.

Jefferson Davis and Robert E. Lee Bust

WAS       NOW

838 (Lee)     $35.00   30.00

839 (Davis)  $35.00    30.00

838-839 (Lee & Davis ) $60.00 50.00

Sesquicentennial Stickers 

These high quality stickers will be great to seal an envelope or as a heading for correspondence to show your support for the Sesquicentennial of The Cause for Southern Independence.

WAS        NOW

SQ020 Roll of 100      $5.00      3.00

Roll of 1000             $45.00     25.00

Deo Vindice!
Charles Kelly Barrow
Sons of Confederate Veterans

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