Help Save Chancellorsville!
After marching all day, Stonewall Jackson's 26,000 men concealed themselves in the woods near the exposed right flank of the Union Army, just west of Chancellorsville. At Jackson's command, the roaring men came pouring out of the Wilderness and smashed into the unsuspecting Federals. Pockets of Yankees made brief, fruitless efforts to resist the Confederate onslaught—most simply broke for the rear in confusion. This enormously successful assault rendered the Battle of Chancellorsville Lee's greatest victory, and displayed one final moment of genius in the bright career of Stonewall Jackson.
Working hand-in-hand with a local developer, the Civil War Trust has the opportunity to nearly double the number of preserved acres at the site of Jackson's crucial assault. In an area constantly threatened by development, we can save 479 acres of this battlefield—our largest single tract in Spotsylvania County—from falling victim to suburban sprawl. An impressive $9.29-to-$1 match means that $4.6 million worth of hallowed ground can be saved for just $495,000!