Wednesday, February 12, 2014

SCV Telegraph- Announcement-Earnest

   Sons of Confederate Veterans
                                               Heritage Rally 2014

Compatriots of the Army of Northern Virginia:
This message is to inform you of my intent to stand for the office of Army of Northern Virginia Executive Councilman.
If you are a member of this Army, I hope there will be no need to introduce myself.  I have traveled extensively throughout the Army and across the Southland.  This is just to remind you of my qualifications and state my reasons for seeking this office.
In 1776 Americans (mostly our Southern ancestors) fought for liberty and independence.  In 1861 Americans, all of whom were our Southern ancestors, again fought for liberty and independence.   We Southerners still believe in these principles of liberty and a representative Republic.
Those we elect to represent us should do just that. In all the elective offices that I have held, I have been guided by your views.  It is the job of those who serve to do their best to consider the views of those who elected them.  I ask for no endorsements.  However, I only hope you will ask your Division Commanders and they will tell you I have always supported the Divisions of this Army. 
SCV experience:
Member:   23 years
Life member both Virginia Division and  National SCV
Continuous office holder for 23 years at Camp, Division and National levels.  Starting as Camp Charter Chaplain, and including such positions as Camp Commander, Brigade Commander, Division Quarter Master, Division Lt. Commander, among other positions. 
Virginia Division Commander 2006-2008
National Chief of Heritage Defense 2008-2010
Army Of Northern Virginia Commander  2010-2014
Took over as Army Commander with little more than $5.00 in Army Treasury.  Will be turning over, well in excess of $1,000.00  Have awarded 3 Russell Darden College Scholarships.  Reintroduced the ANV members medal with over 300 hundred sold.  Organized SCV/ANV  Sesquicentennial event at Gettysburg, PA in 2013.
The original Commander of the Army of Northern Virginia said:  "Duty is the most sublime word in our language.  Do your duty and all things, you can do no more; you should never wish to do less."  I have always strived to do my duty and I hope you will allow me to continue by serving as your Army of Northern Virginia Executive Councilman. 
B. Frank Earnest
Southern Patriot
Home/office       757-474-0624
cell                  757-652-1861

Sons of Confederate Veterans | PO Box 59 | Columbia | TN | 38402