Monday, February 24, 2014

Are you ready to organize a school in your area?


Would your organization be interested in sponsoring a school that runs one day, two days, or more?  Would this be a way to demonstrate the relevance of your organization?  Would it provide a chance for both fellowship and education, while providing a recruiting and publicity event for your organization?  Could your organization use a fund raiser that people will talk about for a while?

I am prepared to teach the following schools:

1. Military Lessons of the Civil War, I wrote a published book on this subject which earned the Jefferson Davis Gold Medal for History from the United Daughters of the Confederacy!

2. The Confederate Navy – my first book, it is still in manuscript and unpublished, titled Dixie's Greatest Secret!  Students will be astounded by the size, scope, strategies and success of the C.S.N.

3. Christianity and the Founding of the American Nation:  this is my latest work, and it focuses on the role God, Christianity and the church played in the shaping and creation of America from Columbus through Washington's First Inauguration

4. Vindicating the Cause…what were the Causes, what is vindication?  If you are a granny, you don't want to sponsor this school.  This is for those who believe in Vindication.  This is about today's fight for the South, with the course each student gets a copy of my most recent book; Southern Fried Ramblings with Grits and All the Fixins.

If your organization could be interested, let's visit.  I promise complete commitment, solidly researched work that is footnoted, and interested days filled with plenty of historical facts and stories.

So if you are a doer, who enjoys making things happen, let's talk.  Enter the Culture War in a big way, make your outfit combat ready!

God Bless the South,

Mark Vogl, a Black Sheep