My Fellow Compatriots,
We are in the middle of the Sesquicentennial of the War for Southern Independence. All around our Confederation events were carried out to commemorate the TRUE CAUSE our ancestors seceded and created a new nation. These events placed the Sons of Confederate Veterans in the limelight of the Sesquicentennial and the world press revealed that our organization is in the forefront of this great Commemoration and that WE ARE the authority of everything Confederate. We must seize this opportunity to promote our new "VISION 2016"and recruit members in our organization, educate the general public about the true Cause our ancestors fought for, and promote our organization in our communities.
To accomplish this, we need the proper leadership to see this carried out in a gentlemanly and orderly fashion. To meet this challenge we need men who new innovative ideas to the table, and who are willing to work hard at bringing our membership together under a common Cause, and to meet the demands that the "Charge of Gen. Stephen D. Lee" has laid before us. Our "enemies" have been reeling after the start of the Sesquicentennial but as we approach the closing years they will fight back as they paint a picture that the Cause our ancestors fought for was immoral, illegal, and unjust. The SCV is the largest and most recognizable organization for the promotion of Confederate Heritage and it is time we capitalize on that fact. We must hold true to Stephen D. Lee's Charge to us and make our organization something that will be perpetuated for future generations so that they too may take pride and celebrate a rich Confederate heritage that we have inherited.
But, there is serious work before us that needs to be done in an aggressive and imaginative manner, emulating the principles that our ancestors fought so hard for. It is time to look at our problems with new eyes, keeping in place the wisdom gleaned from the lessons of the past. We need to use 21st Century ideas to fight this growing threat of "political correctness." As a high school and college teacher for twenty years, it has been my job to teach students our nation's history. I have seen political correctness infiltrating our history books. It has been a struggle to teach the "truth" in our classrooms. Yet, the youth of today are eager to know the truth when it is presented. As a Southerner and a member of the Sons of Confederate Veterans, it is my duty to teach the truth about the Cause our ancestors fought for and to uphold the "Charge" they have left for us. This, I am faithfully carrying out. As your current Councilman on the GEC, I have proven that I have the energy, the experience, and the right attitude to lead and represent the interests of this Army. Thus, I would like to ask you once again for your support and Elect me as YOUR Army of
Tennessee Commander in 2014 in Charleston, SC so that I may continue being YOUR voice on the GEC. To learn more about me please feel free to visit my website at
Larry A. McCluney, Jr., Army of Tennessee Councilman
Sons of Confederate Veterans
Contact information:
Phone - 662-453-7212 or
or write
Larry McCluney
1412 North Park Dr
Greenwood, MS 38930