Messages from John T. Hughes Camp #614 Sons of Confederate Veterans. We are constantly looking for news and information related to Southern Heritage and the War Between The States.
Friday, February 28, 2014
Historical Objectivity and Machines
Since the war and still persistent today, the Southern historian has been considered incapable of objectivity unless "he accepts and proclaims the Northern (i.e., "national") interpretation of Southern things."
Bernhard Thuersam, Chairman
North Carolina War Between the States Sesquicentennial Commission
"Unsurpassed Valor, Courage and Devotion to Liberty"
"The Official Website of the North Carolina WBTS Sesquicentennial"
Historical Objectivity and Machines
"Once, years ago, a Southern historian beckoned me aside and led me to a room . . . "Look," he said. An enormous machine occupied about half the room, and a graduate assistant was feeding punch cards into it. With inhuman noise and precision, the machine was sorting the cards.
The historian closed the door upon the noise and, with a kind of Stonewall Jackson glint in his eye, explained. Documentation, he said – mere documentation – would never convince the North. Mere argument was futile.
But if he could say, in a footnote to his forthcoming publication, that the figures in his statistical tables had been achieved by the assistance of a card-sorting machine (he would carefully cite the machine's name and model), then the Yankees might hearken to both his documentation and his argument.
The machine, a guarantee of his "objectivity," would remove his work from the area of suspicion that a study originating in the South would normally occupy."
(Still Rebels, Still Yankees, and Other Essays, Donald Davidson, LSU Press, 1957, pp. 180-181)
Thursday, February 27, 2014
Republican Party of Lincoln
My SHNV Compatriots,
Posted below is a letter I just finished composing and sending to the editor of the newspaper in the adjoining county. I think it will be published as a Letter To The Editor. Please understand that I was firm but still had to use tact concerning the modern Republican Party. If I can just accomplish getting the event renamed and to some degree educate the members of this Republican Party group I will consider it a victory. Comments?
James King
SCV Camp Commander
Albany Georgia
According to a recent announcement in the Lee County Ledger, former Republican Congressman Allen West from South Florida will be a guest speaker at a dinner to be held Feb.27 by the Lee County Republican party.
I encourage attendance and consider Mr. West to be one who's forthcoming speech will be worthy of the attendance and attention of all who are concerned about the current political situation and the future of America.
However I strongly oppose the event being called a "Lincoln Dinner". I encourage the renaming of the event to a much more appropriate name that being a "Ronald Reagan Dinner".
The Lincoln that most Americans think they know is a mythical Lincoln who has been elevated to near Demi-God status by dishonest Northern historians over the past 150 years. The real Lincoln is virtually unknown by most Americans as a result of this dishonest and extremely biased Northern history which is essentially propaganda.
Former Confederate General Patrick Cleburne warned Southerners of the consequences of subjugation prior to his death in Nov.1864. "The history of the war will be written by Northern historians and taught by Northern teachers to Southern children who will be influenced by history to regard their ancestors as traitors and fit objects of derision". His prophecy and warning has certainly been correct in many cases.
However in recent years several books have been published that accurately portray Lincoln as he really was. THE REAL LINCOLN by Thomas DiLorenzo, RED REPUBLICANS AND LINCOLN MARXISTS by Benson and Kennedy, and LINCOLN UBER ALLES-DICTATORSHIP COMES TO AMERICA by Emison expose Lincoln as a Marxist Socialist along with some members of his cabinet and military officers.
The most intimate facts about Lincoln come from his law partner William S. Herndon who wrote a book about Lincoln after his death. Lincoln was an Atheist and of illegitimate birth. Overwhelming evidence indicates that he was the son of South Carolinian John C. Calhoun and Craytonville South Carolina barmaid Nancy Hanks. Calhoun signed a $100 per year child support document and paid Thomas Lincoln $500 to take the poor girl to her uncle's home in Kentucky as her family forced her to leave. Lincoln was born at the plantation of Abraham Enloe in North Carolina on the way to Kentucky. The circumstances of his birth should not be held against Lincoln. The initial copy of Herndon's book was quickly bought up and destroyed to shelter the truth about Lincoln's Atheist belief's but about a dozen copies survived. The second edition was toned down. Lincoln was an Atheist but pretended to be a Christian for political reasons. He had previously written a book espousing Atheism but a friend threw it in the fire and told Lincoln "you will never get elected to anything if that book gets published".
Lincoln was inspired, promoted, and supported by the infamous European Socialist Karl Marx who sent thousands of European Socialists especially Germans to America to fight for Lincoln and the Union army. As a result of Union victory America was transformed from the Republic formed by the founding fathers to a Socialist-Democracy. Lincoln's Assistant Secretary of War, Charles A. Dana, was an avowed Socialist who went to Europe and met Marx prior to the War of Northern Aggression of 1861-65 (Civil War). Dana had 487 of Karl Marx's articles including THE COMMUNIST MANIFESTO published in the New York Tribune newspaper prior to the war. Lincoln's "Band of Brothers" included the Communist German born Union General Joseph Weydemeyer "the reddest of the red".
Lincoln imprisoned approximately 200,000 Northern citizens because they supported the South's constitutional right to secede and form a new nation independent and free of Northern tyranny, despotism, and dictatorship. About 38,000 were incarcerated for the entire duration of the war. Those imprisoned by Lincoln included Francis Key Howard, the grandson of Francis Scott Key that wrote the song Star Spangled Banner. Lincoln also had Federal troops burn and shut down about 300 Northern Newspapers because they supported the South's constitutional rights. Lincoln was a micro-manager of the war and he certainly knew and approved of the actions of Sherman, Sheridan, Hunter, Custer and other Union officers who murdered, stole, plundered, looted, burned and raped their way across the South from 1861-1865.
The original Republican Party of 1854 to 1877 was a Socialist and Atheist party which is more closely represented by the modern Democratic Party. To those who know the truth, there is nothing noble or honorable about referring to the modern Republican party as "The Party Of Lincoln". Adolph Hitler was a Lincoln admirer and devoted a chapter of his book MEIN KAMPF to Lincoln's justification of National Socialism. Furthermore in the 1930's the American Communist Party had Lincoln-Lenin parades in New York City.
Years ago the Dougherty County Republican Party held a Lincoln dinner but upon learning some of the facts about Lincoln they changed all future events to a "Ronald Reagan Dinner". I encourage the Lee County Republican Party to do the same. Regardless I do encourage attendance and the opportunity to hear Allen West speak should not be missed.
James W. King
Camp Commander
Sons of Confederate Veterans Organization
Albany Georgia
My SHNV Compatriots,
Posted below is a letter I just finished composing and sending to the editor of the newspaper in the adjoining county. I think it will be published as a Letter To The Editor. Please understand that I was firm but still had to use tact concerning the modern Republican Party. If I can just accomplish getting the event renamed and to some degree educate the members of this Republican Party group I will consider it a victory. Comments?
James King
SCV Camp Commander
Albany Georgia
According to a recent announcement in the Lee County Ledger, former Republican Congressman Allen West from South Florida will be a guest speaker at a dinner to be held Feb.27 by the Lee County Republican party.
I encourage attendance and consider Mr. West to be one who's forthcoming speech will be worthy of the attendance and attention of all who are concerned about the current political situation and the future of America.
However I strongly oppose the event being called a "Lincoln Dinner". I encourage the renaming of the event to a much more appropriate name that being a "Ronald Reagan Dinner".
The Lincoln that most Americans think they know is a mythical Lincoln who has been elevated to near Demi-God status by dishonest Northern historians over the past 150 years. The real Lincoln is virtually unknown by most Americans as a result of this dishonest and extremely biased Northern history which is essentially propaganda.
Former Confederate General Patrick Cleburne warned Southerners of the consequences of subjugation prior to his death in Nov.1864. "The history of the war will be written by Northern historians and taught by Northern teachers to Southern children who will be influenced by history to regard their ancestors as traitors and fit objects of derision". His prophecy and warning has certainly been correct in many cases.
However in recent years several books have been published that accurately portray Lincoln as he really was. THE REAL LINCOLN by Thomas DiLorenzo, RED REPUBLICANS AND LINCOLN MARXISTS by Benson and Kennedy, and LINCOLN UBER ALLES-DICTATORSHIP COMES TO AMERICA by Emison expose Lincoln as a Marxist Socialist along with some members of his cabinet and military officers.
The most intimate facts about Lincoln come from his law partner William S. Herndon who wrote a book about Lincoln after his death. Lincoln was an Atheist and of illegitimate birth. Overwhelming evidence indicates that he was the son of South Carolinian John C. Calhoun and Craytonville South Carolina barmaid Nancy Hanks. Calhoun signed a $100 per year child support document and paid Thomas Lincoln $500 to take the poor girl to her uncle's home in Kentucky as her family forced her to leave. Lincoln was born at the plantation of Abraham Enloe in North Carolina on the way to Kentucky. The circumstances of his birth should not be held against Lincoln. The initial copy of Herndon's book was quickly bought up and destroyed to shelter the truth about Lincoln's Atheist belief's but about a dozen copies survived. The second edition was toned down. Lincoln was an Atheist but pretended to be a Christian for political reasons. He had previously written a book espousing Atheism but a friend threw it in the fire and told Lincoln "you will never get elected to anything if that book gets published".
Lincoln was inspired, promoted, and supported by the infamous European Socialist Karl Marx who sent thousands of European Socialists especially Germans to America to fight for Lincoln and the Union army. As a result of Union victory America was transformed from the Republic formed by the founding fathers to a Socialist-Democracy. Lincoln's Assistant Secretary of War, Charles A. Dana, was an avowed Socialist who went to Europe and met Marx prior to the War of Northern Aggression of 1861-65 (Civil War). Dana had 487 of Karl Marx's articles including THE COMMUNIST MANIFESTO published in the New York Tribune newspaper prior to the war. Lincoln's "Band of Brothers" included the Communist German born Union General Joseph Weydemeyer "the reddest of the red".
Lincoln imprisoned approximately 200,000 Northern citizens because they supported the South's constitutional right to secede and form a new nation independent and free of Northern tyranny, despotism, and dictatorship. About 38,000 were incarcerated for the entire duration of the war. Those imprisoned by Lincoln included Francis Key Howard, the grandson of Francis Scott Key that wrote the song Star Spangled Banner. Lincoln also had Federal troops burn and shut down about 300 Northern Newspapers because they supported the South's constitutional rights. Lincoln was a micro-manager of the war and he certainly knew and approved of the actions of Sherman, Sheridan, Hunter, Custer and other Union officers who murdered, stole, plundered, looted, burned and raped their way across the South from 1861-1865.
The original Republican Party of 1854 to 1877 was a Socialist and Atheist party which is more closely represented by the modern Democratic Party. To those who know the truth, there is nothing noble or honorable about referring to the modern Republican party as "The Party Of Lincoln". Adolph Hitler was a Lincoln admirer and devoted a chapter of his book MEIN KAMPF to Lincoln's justification of National Socialism. Furthermore in the 1930's the American Communist Party had Lincoln-Lenin parades in New York City.
Years ago the Dougherty County Republican Party held a Lincoln dinner but upon learning some of the facts about Lincoln they changed all future events to a "Ronald Reagan Dinner". I encourage the Lee County Republican Party to do the same. Regardless I do encourage attendance and the opportunity to hear Allen West speak should not be missed.
James W. King
Camp Commander
Sons of Confederate Veterans Organization
Albany Georgia
Wednesday, February 26, 2014
Lincoln's War to Prevent Self-Government
Conservative historian M.E. Bradford was deeply concerned by the ongoing deification and cult status of Lincoln, and how Yankee idolatry of him had so blurred the history, nature and consequences of the war "as to render Lincoln impervious to serious criticism."
Bernhard Thuersam, Chairman
North Carolina War Between the States Sesquicentennial Commission
"Unsurpassed Valor, Courage and Devotion to Liberty"
"The Official Website of the North Carolina WBTS Sesquicentennial"
Lincoln's War to Prevent Self-Government
"As [historian] Frank Owlsey complained in 1946, there was afoot in this land, "what seems to me a Lincoln cult bordering on pagan deification which is taking place in the popular mind of the North"; and it has been seriously inspired by serious scholars, who have allowed their emotions and bias to overemphasize certain elements and minimize others."
In his essay on "A Southerner's View of Abraham Lincoln," Owsley's principal complaint was not that Lincoln lacked moral scruples, but that he frequently exercised poor judgment – as seen, for example, in his refusal to accept the Crittenden Compromise and in his naïve, persistent belief that the people of the South would never support their leaders in a war of secession.
Lincoln, argued Owsley, never fully grasped the depth of Southern patriotism or the magnitude of the war, until it was too late to compromise. By denying the South the right to self-government, Lincoln also subverted the democratic principles of the document he so often cited as authority for his constitutional views – the Declaration of Independence. "It seems ironic to Southerners that the United States," observed Owsley, "a nation based upon the right of the people to live under a government of their choice, should make war to prevent a people – the South – from living under a government of their choice."
No less charitable with respect to Lincoln's motives and moral reasoning, Donald Davidson also questioned Lincoln's political acumen . . . asserting that the emancipator foolishly made war on his own ideas and objectives, ruining both the South and the North while creating an America he did not want.
[M.E.] Bradford persuasively demonstrated [that Lincoln] was more than simply wrong-headed; he was "dishonest" and "duplicitous" "pseudo-Puritan," a disingenuous "opportunist" guilty of "calculated posturing," "historical distortions," and "high crime"; he was indeed "the American Caesar of his age." "It is at our peril," Bradford cautioned, "that we continue to reverence his name."
(Walking the Levee with Mel Bradford, James McClellan; A Defender of Southern Conservatism, M.E. Bradford and His Achievements, Clyde N. Wilson, editor, University of Missouri Press, 1999, pp. 45-46)
Tuesday, February 25, 2014
Missouri State Flag
There is a bill in the house that would apparently authorize a change to our Missouri State Flag. I am attaching several links in this email. I am getting conflicting data as to whether the bill would authorize a change only to the "seal", to standardize it, or ... allow for a wholesale change to the flag. As you know, our state flag encompasses the same Missouri State Seal that was on the Missouri State Guard flag... so we should be very against a change. Please contact not only your state representative to voice your opposition to this, but also the bill's sponsor, shown below.
Missouri State Representative Jeff Roorda - 113th District. See his info at:
This is the crazy, nutcase world we are living in and I do believe me must make our voices heard.
Please share this immediately with your camp memberships.
Darrell Maples - Commander
MO Division - SCV
MO Division Commander
Jefferson City, MO, USA
General Hoke – The Stonewall of Forks Road
A living history occurs today at the remnants of the Forks Road battle site behind the Cameron Art Museum in Wilmington.
Here, General Robert F. Hoke's entrenched division held off repeated and futile attacks by US Colored Troops. Hoke could not be dislodged and only because of the fall of Fort Anderson across the Cape Fear River, and the immediate threat of enemy forces reaching Wilmington to his rear, was Hoke forced to withdraw.
"The Northern force opposing Hoke was being guided by Jacob Horne, a local man who betrayed his State, family and brother -- the latter was among Hoke's defenders. On February 20th, Northern forces opposing Hoke's spread-out 3000 men numbered about 8500 and in probing his position, sent five US Colored Troop (USCT) regiments comprising 1600 men in repeated and near-suicidal assaults that day and the next, getting no closer to Hoke's breastworks than 150 yards.
As Hoke's lines were stretched out, the brunt of the Northern attack was received by General Clingman's Brigade of North Carolinians, numbering about 900 men, under Colonel Devane.
It is notable that Clingman's command included Captain Lippitt's 51st North Carolina that routed the 54th Massachusetts at Battery Wagner, near Charleston, in July 1863. According to Chris Fonvielle's The Wilmington Campaign, "Clingman's [Brigade] fire ravaged [the USCT] brigade with continuous volleys of musketry, while the Rebel artillery assisted with barrages of iron case shot." The attackers were swept off the field by a murderous fire from the Wilmington Horse Artillery's 6 and 12-pounders. Realizing further attacks would be futile, the black troops "promptly erected a defensive line" at the front while white Pennsylvania troops were entrenched a half-mile to the rear."
At Forks Road, the Northern gunboats were out of range and could not effectively support the attack of the USCT, which helped ensure the failure of the assault. Several Northern gunboats grounded in the shallows of the Cape Fear River below Wilmington, and lighter craft were severely damaged or driven off by the strong artillery batteries Lee, Campbell, Meares and Davis just south of the city and effectively anchoring Hoke's western flank. The Northern transport Thorn blew up in the river after striking a submerged torpedo at Orton Cove, one of twenty known to have been strategically placed to destroy invading enemy ships.
Despite Hagood's defeat at Town Creek making Hoke's position at Forks Road increasingly untenable, Wilmington's defenders defiantly floated mines downriver to surprise Northern gunboats, killing several sailors and nearly sinking the transport Osceola. Late in the evening of the 20th, Hoke telegraphed the approaching General William J. Hardee that with his two brigades soon in Wilmington, the city may yet be saved from the invader. On February 21, Hoke was resolutely holding his impregnable position in hopes that Hardee's brigades would soon arrive, but General Braxton Bragg, Hoke's superior, had already telegraphed Hardee and advised him to avoid Wilmington. Bragg was concerned that the Wilmington railroad line was soon to be severed, and instead sent Hardee from Florence on to Cheraw, South Carolina." Read more at:
North Carolina War Between the States Sesquicentennial
"Unsurpassed Valor, Courage, and devotion to liberty"
"The Official Website of the North Carolina War Between the States Sesquicentennial Commission"
Monday, February 24, 2014
Are you ready to organize a school in your area?
Would your organization be interested in sponsoring a school that runs one day, two days, or more? Would this be a way to demonstrate the relevance of your organization? Would it provide a chance for both fellowship and education, while providing a recruiting and publicity event for your organization? Could your organization use a fund raiser that people will talk about for a while?
I am prepared to teach the following schools:
1. Military Lessons of the Civil War, I wrote a published book on this subject which earned the Jefferson Davis Gold Medal for History from the United Daughters of the Confederacy!
2. The Confederate Navy – my first book, it is still in manuscript and unpublished, titled Dixie's Greatest Secret! Students will be astounded by the size, scope, strategies and success of the C.S.N.
3. Christianity and the Founding of the American Nation: this is my latest work, and it focuses on the role God, Christianity and the church played in the shaping and creation of America from Columbus through Washington's First Inauguration
4. Vindicating the Cause…what were the Causes, what is vindication? If you are a granny, you don't want to sponsor this school. This is for those who believe in Vindication. This is about today's fight for the South, with the course each student gets a copy of my most recent book; Southern Fried Ramblings with Grits and All the Fixins.
If your organization could be interested, let's visit. I promise complete commitment, solidly researched work that is footnoted, and interested days filled with plenty of historical facts and stories.
So if you are a doer, who enjoys making things happen, let's talk. Enter the Culture War in a big way, make your outfit combat ready!
God Bless the South,
Mark Vogl, a Black Sheep
Sunday, February 23, 2014
"All Jews Are Secessionists, Copperheads and Rebels"
Those of the Hebrew faith in the North did not enjoy the friendly inclusiveness of the antebellum South. An Associated Press writer visiting Northern-occupied New Orleans wrote this chilling statement: "The Jews in New Orleans and all the South ought to be exterminated. They run the blockade, and are always to be found at the bottom of every new villainy."
Bernhard Thuersam, Chairman
North Carolina War Between the States Sesquicentennial Commission
"Unsurpassed Valor, Courage and Devotion to Liberty"
"The Official Website of the North Carolina WBTS Sesquicentennial"
"All Jews are Secessionists, Copperheads and Rebels"
"An indication of the anti-Jewish tendency of the age was the common practice of Northern newspapers to identify as a "Jew," "Israelite," or, worse yet, a "German Jew," any Jew who was apprehended in or suspected of carrying on disloyal activities. Jews who enlisted in the Army, or whose names were reported in casualty columns were never identified as such; but a wrong-doer was promptly catalogued for the public mind . . . [whether in Iowa, New York or Vermont].
This journalistic technique was at one and the same time the product of prejudice and an agency for its dissemination. It fixed ever more strongly in the mind of the reader the myth of the dishonest, law-breaking Jew. As one [Northern] reporter put it, "How could you expect a Jew quartermaster to be honest?"
In the political sphere, the fact that Judah P. Benjamin, high statesman of the Confederacy, was a Jew, provided a convenient slur with which all Jews could be defamed. Crude and insulting references to his religious origins were commonplace at the very beginning of the war and during election campaigns. The catalogue of public figures who attacked him as a Jew would include, among others, Senator Andrew Johnson, of Tennessee, General Benjamin F. Butler; Senator Henry Wilson of Massachusetts; Governor John Brough and Senator Ben Wade of Ohio.
It could only be prejudice and bigotry which would prompt an editor to single out prominent Southern Jews for special treatment. The same conclusion must be reached in a consideration of those Republican journals and papers which accused all Northern Jews of being enemies of the Union. Articles by the "Lounger" in Harper's Weekly said that all Jews were secessionists, copperheads and rebels.
In California, the American Flag [newspaper] of San Francisco announced that "a large majority of the wealthier Jews of California, and particularly of San Francisco, are copperheads . . . adherents of the last, lingering, horrid despotism of the Dark Ages, which were dismal with the wail of their forefathers." The Jews, apparently, whether there were many or few who preferred the Democratic party's policies, were not to be permitted the choice accorded to other citizens.
[Banker] August Belmont was a particular target for the Republican press and party spokesmen, even though (or perhaps because) he had married into one of America's most distinguished non-Jewish families, was rearing his children as Christians, and maintained no affiliation with Jewish activities or religious life. In Philadelphia, a [Republican] Union League speaker made it a point to refer to "the Jew banker of New York;" an orator at the Cooper Institute of New York made some insulting comments about Belmont and his "knot" of German Jewish bankers . . . "
(American Jewry and the Civil War, Bertram Wallace Korn, Jewish Publication Society of America, 1951, pp. 158-161)
Saturday, February 22, 2014
Another Family Made Homeless to Sherman's Glory
Kentuckian Milford Overly wrote in 1904 his assessment of Sherman's mostly unopposed march from Atlanta to Bentonville: "It means murder, robbery, arson, and nearly all other crimes enumerated in the black calendar, the details of which would shame vandalism itself." He thought Sherman a cruel one, "waging war with little less barbarity than did the savage chief whose name he bore."
Bernhard Thuersam, Chairman
North Carolina War Between the States Sesquicentennial Commission
"Unsurpassed Valor, Courage and Devotion to Liberty"
"The Official Website of the North Carolina WBTS Sesquicentennial"
Another Family Made Homeless to Sherman's Glory
"The last act of barbarism I saw Sherman's soldiers commit was near Bentonville, N.C., on the morning of the last great battle for Southern independence. On the preceding night Gen. Joseph E. Johnston . . . quietly moved his army from Smithfield and threw it directly across Sherman's path at Bentonville. Gen. George G. Dibrell's cavalry division, composed of his own brigade of Tennesseans and Col. Breckinridge's Kentuckians, was falling back in front of one of the advancing Federal columns, the writer of this commanding the rear guard, closely followed by the enemy's advance.
We had just crossed a narrow swamp . . . and passed by a neat, comfortable-looking farmhouse, occupied by women and children. Halting some distance beyond and looking back, we saw Federal soldiers enter the house. Presently women were heard screaming, in a few minutes the building was in flames, and another family was homeless.
Sherman's raid was ended, and he was a great hero. With his great army of veterans, almost unopposed, he had overrun and desolated the fairest sections of the South, burning cities, towns, and country-dwellings; had wantonly destroyed many millions of dollars' worth of property, both public and private; had made homeless and destitute thousands of women and children and aged men by burning their house and destroying their means of subsistence. And it was to glorify him and for these deeds of barbarism that "Marching Through Georgia" was written, and it is for this it is sung."
(What Marching Through Georgia Means, Milford Overly, Confederate Veteran, September 1904, pg. 446)
Friday, February 21, 2014
Dear SHVN Friends,
"DAMNYANKEE" vs "DAMNED YANKEE" ~ I see a few people use "damnyankee" once in a while which is a fairly new term and it is completely secular in nature and usually is used as one word. The second term "damned yankee" is a religious point of view. So long as there are people who proudly consider themselves descendants of yankees who committed genocide against the Southern people, the Southern people will consider them damned yankees and a people with whom they do not want to share nationhood.
The original term "damned yankee" was not intended as a profane curse or even as an insult against a northerner or yankee, rather it was a religious observation using the term "damned" in its full religious and Biblical sense of "one who does not have salvation in Christ and will suffer the second death through the punishment of eternal fire in hell." It first appeared as a proper religious judgment on northerners and yankees who were not Christian.
There were so many atheist yankees and northerners who supported the genocide against the Southern people supporting the atheist yankees that many Southerners began using the Biblical term "damn" along with their proudful self-description as an atheist "yankee." The original term was "damned yankee" because of their unbelief in God, and it may be used by gentlemen, but the term "damnyankee", one word as used by some folks, is not a gentlemans reference to a yankees religious infidelity to God. In this case it is used to show contempt for the murderous pillaging pagans who made war on Southern Christendom seizing our cities and killing Southern children, women and our senior family members we call "our elderly."
Northerner's should be offended every time they hear the term "damnyankee", BUT they should not be offended at the person using the term but at their ancestors who distinguished themselves so violently in inhumanly that even foreigners called them "damnyankee." Not all northerners supported the industrial damned invasive materialists of the new USA Imperial order. Those with a heritage of "Northern Copperheads" should be proud and should continue to oppose the Imperial fascist use of the USA military. This is why yankees are considered by Southerners and many Europeans to "have no culture." Yankees replaced their culture with Statism and the foul stench that follows genocidal empires. Today those who follow and support the yankee form of government may vote Republican or Democrat and are recognized as Statist Cultists; however, most of them are not educated enough to recognize the evils of the Cult of Statism.
Generally I let this secular use of profanity pass on my pages due to the immoral extremist violence committed against our Southern people by imperial extremists. Sometimes some people as just so evil that they name has come to be universally understood as a curse word. Among traditional Southern Christians and Southern atheists the term "damned yankee" is always acceptable when it is recognition of northern religious infidelity. Think about it. Southern atheists for 150 years have looked down their noses at northern atheists saying that the yankee is destined for damnation. Traditional Southern Christians are even more condemnatory of the yankee genocidalists.
Thursday, February 20, 2014
New Georgia License Plate Celebrates Southern Heritage

Heritage Defense
Wednesday, February 19, 2014
The Jacobin Machine in Command
The radical Republican Jacobins in late 1862 exerted great pressure on Lincoln to publish his emancipation edict in order to destroy the agrarian economic system of the South; they threatened to defeat all his appropriations for war supplies if he resisted. Lincoln was quoted as saying that he would have been superseded by a dictator had he refused to proclaim emancipation. The Radicals demanded a desolate and subjugated South and using the unwitting freedmen as a voting automatons to ensure their political hegemony over the now-centralized, and no longer federal, United States.
Bernhard Thuersam, Chairman
North Carolina War Between the States Sesquicentennial Commission
"Unsurpassed Valor, Courage and Devotion to Liberty"
"The Official Website of the North Carolina WBTS Sesquicentennial"
The Jacobin Machine in Command:
In the Senate [Benjamin] Wade voiced his conviction that the final triumph of the Jacobin revolution was at hand. No longer was the war being prosecuted for the vain and empty purpose of restoring the Union with slavery intact, he boasted. The Republican party, he cried, would force the southern States to purge themselves of all the iniquities of their social system before it permitted them to come back into the Union: "We will govern them until they do right . . . "
Wade offered a resolution to invoke reprisals . . .carried out by men who had suffered in Confederate prisons. He avowed himself willing to accept any measures of retaliation: "I will make the South a desolation, and every traitor shall lose his life . . . "
Now in the early months of 1865 it was clear to all observers that the Confederacy would soon collapse. With the approach of victory and peace, reconstruction became a dominant issue to the exclusion of all other questions. Upon what terms were the defeated Southern States to be returned to the Union? The Jacobins had moved far beyond their position as announced in the Wade-Davis bill. No longer were they content to accept emancipation as the great result of the war. Now they demanded as the price of readmission a program which would ensure Republican control of the South.
They had no mind to see unrepentant Southern Democrats returning to Congress and in alliance with their Northern [Democrat] fellows destroying the economic measures passed by the Republicans during the war: the protective tariff, the national banking system, and the homestead bill. They demanded the suffrage for the freed slaves and the disenfranchisement of a substantial portion of the Southern white population.
Some of them, like [Thaddeus] Stevens, advocated the distribution of confiscated rebel property among former slaves. They demanded that until their policies became a reality the seceded States be governed by the military as "conquered provinces." Over the issue of reconstruction Lincoln and the Jacobins fought their last titanic battle. Again the Jacobins were to defeat their great antagonist."
(Lincoln and the Radicals, T. Harry Williams, University of Wisconsin Press, 1965, excerpts pp. 351-357)
New Masters From the North
Northern abolitionists embarked on their Port Royal Experiment to determine if "the freedman would work without the incentive of the lash." At Fripp Plantation the new masters in 1862 resorted to withholding bacon from freedmen who would not work the fields, finding that "they have not done a third the usual work this year." The black man was also utilized as a substitute for reluctant Northern soldiers.
Bernhard Thuersam, Chairman
North Carolina War Between the States Sesquicentennial Commission
"Unsurpassed Valor, Courage and Devotion to Liberty"
"The Official Website of the North Carolina WBTS Sesquicentennial"
New Masters From the North
"Sunday, May 11 -- [Captain] Hazard Stevens cam over with despatches from General [David] Hunter ordering all the agents to send him in the morning all able-bodied black men between the ages of 18 and 45, capable of bearing arms, on the plantations. There was no explanation whatsoever for the reasons for the demand, or what was to be done with them, and nothing but our confidence in General Hunter's friendliness to the race gave us a shadow of comfort. But that would avail little to the Negroes, who would lose the confidence they are beginning to feel in [Northern] white men.
Companies of soldiers were to be sent from Beaufort in the night and distributed to the different plantations to prevent the Negroes from taking to the woods . . . [to escape military conscription].
Mr. G. [spoke to freedman Joe] telling him that General Hunter had work at Hilton Head for a great many black men . . . [and the orders] must be obeyed and he must march; he had to go at once to his house for his cap, say good-bye to his wife and come to us to leave his will, for he said he never expected to come back.
We made as light of the whole thing as we could, but did not dare say anything . . . which might make [the Negroes] feel afterward as if we had deceived them, for the thing they dread is being made to fight, and we knew that there had been men about trying to recruit for Hunter's pet idea, a regiment of blacks.
If we can have blacks to garrison the forts and save our soldiers through the hot weather, every one will be thankful. But I don't believe you could make soldiers of these men at all – they are afraid, and they know it.
Letter from W.C.C., May 27 – plantation Negroes, at least – will never make soldiers in one generation. Five white men could put a regiment to flight; but they may be very useful in preventing sickness and death among our troops by relieving them of part of their work . ."
(Letters From Port Royal, Elizabeth Ware Pearson, editor, W.B. Clarke Company, 1906, excerpts, pp. 38-43)
Thursday, February 13, 2014
North Carolina War Between the States Sesquicentennial
"Unsurpassed Valor, Courage, and devotion to liberty"
"The Official Website of the North Carolina War Between the States Sesquicentennial Commission"
A Conversation with Sesquicentennial Commission Chairman, Bernhard Thuersam of Wilmington
Q: This is the last full year of the Sesquicentennial Observance, what new efforts and activities will we see in North Carolina in 2014?
A: Being a volunteer and private-donation based organization we are planning and doing what our many supporters and researchers suggest and participate in – and this should be a very active year. More pertinent and informative topics presented on the website, and some interesting living histories touring the State and featuring "Generals in Conversation.'
Q: By the war, your organization is the War Between the States Sesquicentennial Commission, not the North Carolina Civil War Sesquicentennial, is this correct?
A: Yes, the civil war-titled group is with the State government. They seem to do a good job with a chronological listing of battles and such during the war while is a view of that conflict from a North Carolinian perspective, and I think we take a deeper and more philosophical approach to the sectional war, why it occurred and why it was not avoided.
Q: Why avoid the common "Civil War" moniker? Is this not the most accurate name?
A: We are historians and see nothing admirable in continuing to use an incorrect and confusing term for the war, and prefer what North Carolinians called the conflict in the postwar. "Civil war" is a Northern term which followed the previous incorrect term referring to the war as one of rebellion. North Carolina was not involved in gaining control of the Washington government in 1861 and hence no "civil war"; nor did it "rebel" against anything. It voluntarily withdrew from the 1787 union as it had withdrawn from the Articles of Confederation; remember the State voluntarily joined the 1787 union and had no withdrawal been mentioned then, there would have been no union. One has to use language accurately.
Q: Do you see the war as a Lost Cause on the part of the South, and North Carolina?
A: Of course. Keep in mind the cause that was lost was of maintaining constitutional government against usurpation of power. In that sense it was lost, and recall Lord Acton's grieving more about what was lost at Appomattox than what was gained at Waterloo. We lost the 1787 republic of the Founders' and still live in a consolidated union that was never intended.
Also, there is a fixation on the part of some revisionist historians today on a so-called "Myth of the Lost Cause" and how Southerners in the postwar had the nerve to rationalize their defeat and commemorate their losses and dead heroes. These limited-vision scholars need to take a look at what the North did in the same period in their towns and cities as they erected a Myth of Saving the Union. It is an easy task to reveal this mythology and that the Founders' union was destroyed beyond recognition.
Q: Your topics run the gamut and highlight what seem to be overlooked questions. The very impressive bibliography directs your visitors to further investigation of the topics.
A: Indeed, and most of our topics have been suggested by our Commission members who I am proud to say are private citizens, and many of them fine historians in their own right. As a Commission we wanted to tell the story of North Carolinians in this tragic conflict, why they fought, what they did, and what they thought of what they were doing – and through the eyes of them then – not our assumptions or often mistaken views of today. We highly recommend books written on the war before the 1960s cultural revolution in this country, though there are many recent ones that we recommend.
I believe, and we have gotten many good comments about this, that the varied topics of the website make people think about the many issues swirling about when it comes to that war. There of course was no single issue which caused the war and those who read through our webpages will gain a wide-ranging view of not just how the war came about and how North Carolina responded, but also causes them to think very deeply about why the war came about in the first place – and why was it not avoided.
Q: Many books on the war say that Sherman did not devastate this State as he did others. Was he easier on North Carolina?
A: This is hard to understand as there is much literature regarding his harsh treatment after crossing into North Carolina. One of our most recent pages is Sherman and Total War – it is not only a compilation of his brutality and writings regarding his view of total war, but also scholarly reflection on what this man had unleashed upon the American people in the South, and how it opened the way for more cruelty in Cuba, and the two World Wars. As to Sherman in North Carolina, see:
This I think is one of the most productive ways to understand the human condition and recourse to war and its brutality, and better understand this WBTS and its effect upon America after 1865. Well-known author Tom DiLorenzo recently wrote on the question of Hitler being deeply influenced by Sherman's treatment of Americans in the South, and the Plains Indians after the war. I have also found a young Spanish attaché with Sherman during his march, Valeriano Weyler, who eventually rose to general by the mid-1890s and was sent to Cuba where he brutally suppressed the independence-minded revolutionaries. The obvious question is where did he learn his scorched-earth strategy and war against noncombatants?
Q: Interesting. You indicated a new page discussing a "Myth of Saving the Union." The common knowledge is that Lincoln did save the Union, so how is this a myth?
A: Right, that is the common knowledge but is it true? That is the question we explore, the mythology erected by the North during and after the war – and it of course continues to this day. Dr. Clyde Wilson has spoke often about the greatly untilled ground of Northern history, and that we need a serious and unbiased inquiry into that section's history – warts and all – leading up to the war and afterward. What was saved was a territorial union of States held together by force, and this new reality was not lost on Northerners who then realized the trap they were in as well. They now had to accept unconditionally any dictates from Washington which now had the large standing army the Founders' feared so greatly.
It is a mistake as well to assume that the conqueror, in this case, can devastate, desolate and depopulate the Southern section of the country, replace their elected governments with military despotisms and political opportunists from the North, and expect those subjugated to be now-loyal citizens of the republic of Washington and Jefferson. There was no saving the union – it is pure mythology. See:
Q: The website contains several references to New England actually being responsible for slavery in this country, as well as its perpetuation. Can you elaborate?
A: What is hard to believe is that this has been suppressed for so long. In fact, Providence, Rhode Island was the slave-trading capital of North America by 1750, with Liverpool firms complaining to the Crown about their inability to find qualified shipwrights locally due to Providence companies luring them overseas for higher pay.
What we also find is not only a strong involvement in the African slave trade and keeping slaves themselves in New England, but also the near extermination of the Pequot Tribe violently resisting Puritan encroachment into their territory and the enslavement of the Pequot survivors – who were then sent to the West Indies as chattel.
Southerners would then rightly wonder about the New Englander's past actions of supplying the South with slaves and demanding slave-produced cotton for their busy mills in Massachusetts; then theses New Englanders rediscover their moral compass in the 1830s and embrace radical abolitionism with the demand of immediate freedom of those they themselves had enslaved. Another irony and sad fact is that these New Englanders never advanced a practical and peaceful solution to the slavery they seemed to abhor, and which could have avoided the war we are talking about.
Q: We are familiar with one or two conferences in which peace between North and South were discussed. This certainly would have saved lives. You cover this on your site?
A: Yes, we already have the "Washington Peace Conference" page online and a more extensive "Peace Conferences to End the War" page is coming. This is derived from a Powerpoint program I have presented across the State during the Sesquicentennial. There were at least six peace conferences before and during the war, the first being the Crittenden Compromise debates which, had the Republicans been compromise-minded, would have avoided war.
What emerges from our research is a strong and unmistakable pattern of outright obfuscation and refusal by Northern politicians and leaders to effect any and all compromise with legitimate Southern grievances. This of course increased the possibility of political secession as Southern leaders saw no manner in which they could continue in a fraternal political union with those who would only have their way. Up to the last conference at Hampton Roads, Lincoln would entertain no peaceful solution that did not include the unconditional surrender of the American Confederacy, and renouncing all that they had embraced toward self-government. Lincoln and the Republicans wanted all – and after Appomattox the South received subjugation, something that was probable if they had accepted Northern-dictated peace in 183 or 1864. The Republican party was intent on war and would have no compromise.
Imagine if there was negotiation, compromise and . . . the same that allowed the American political union to exist in the first place – and war was avoided – thus saving the lives of a million people, a South not devastated by war, ruin and desolation, and the Constitution intact. This brings to the forefront James Buchanan's last days in office and an obvious question as to why this former minister to England and skilled diplomat did not forcefully promote negotiation and settle the controversy peacefully. Our website visitors are left with many "whys," and reasons to investigate these topics further on their own. See:
Q: What seems to be a very sensitive topic on your site is about treason against North Carolina.
A: Yes, it is sensitive for some reason but we tackled it nonetheless since it reverberates today. Before the War the US Constitution addressed treason against the "United States," meaning against the individual States, and this continued under the Confederate States Constitution, and North Carolina amended its own Constitution in 1861 by addressing treason against the State. Remember that John Brown was tried on a charge of treason against Virginia, found guilty, and was hung for the crime. That said, we look critically at those who went over to the enemy by spying or fighting against our State, what that meant then, and perhaps we can better understand what that means today in light of Al-Qaeda and Homeland Security. Please see:
Q: Thank you for speaking with us today, it seems the past can teach us much about ourselves and our country today.
A: You are very welcome; I look forward to more discussion like these. Please continue to visit as we continually update.
Wednesday, February 12, 2014
Fwd: SCV Telegraph- Announcement-Gramling

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