I could not find a link online but in today's Tampa Tribune "Letters" section (full run hard published edition) Benjamin camp Chaplin Greg Tisdale had a letter published concerning diversity of the men wearing gray. It was in response to anther letter published last week concerning Medgar Evans. Monday readership is 225,000-260,000.
Reaching a few hundred thousand readers IS exercising the Charge! Defending the heritage means occasionally taking the time to put pen to paper & use our God given ability to make a difference. Good job Greg! Might drop the Trib a note & thank the Letters editor for publishing the letter.
The men in gray
I enjoyed Luis E. Viera's article on Medgar Evers (" Remembering a hero of foreign and domestic wars ", Other Views, June 12) with the exception of " ...or the men in blue of the Civil War ". By that statement, Viera figuratively slaps the face of hundreds of thousands of "men in gray."
Apparently, he doesn't know there were thousands of blacks who served the Confederacy, including Louis Napoleon Nelson, as well as Hispanics, many here in Hillsborough County, including Joseph Robles, a local Confederate hero whom Robles Park is named after.
There also were numerous other ethnicities, including Cpl. George K. Palmis, Capt. Ladislas Wankowiez, Pvt. Wendel Wong and Pvt. Giovanni B. Grimaldi, whose names are engraved on the monument on U.S. 92 in east Hillsborough.
Greg Tisdale
Tampa Tribune Letters link
Thank you for publishing Greg Tisdale's letter in response to the Medgar Evan story. The history of the South is wonderful, diverse and in need of telling all it's stories, not just the emotional, knee jerk PC stories. Please print more on this subject in the future.
Phil Walters
From: gatorstick@tampabay.rr.com