Monday, June 10, 2013

Newspaper Guest Commentary

Posted below for information and educational purposes is my most recent "Guest Commentary" submitted to the Albany Herald newspaper.
James W. King
SCV Camp 141 Commander
Albany Georgia

In 1860-1861 the Federal government of the United States of America was taken over by New England radicals, fanatics, zealots and hypocrites. Most people in the South were in favor of gradual emancipation of slaves and slavery was already a dying institution before the war. There were 5 times as many abolition societies in the South as in the North. It was the Northern states of Massachusetts, Connecticut, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, and New York that had brought the slaves from Africa to America by ship. They sold the slaves to the South and then their hypocritical Yankee descendants accused the South of grave moral sin for having slavery. New England had grown to prosperity based upon the slave trade.
In 1857 fanatical abolitionist Hinton Helper wrote a book "The Impending Crisis of the South". It was a terrorist manifesto. It PROMISED (not threatened) that a massive slave rebellion would be fomented that would result in the deaths of thousands, perhaps hundreds of thousands of Southern men, women, and children if the South did not immediately free slaves. This Terrorist Threat was of concern to all Southerners rich, poor, and in between, not just wealthy plantation owners. Southerners were aware that in the 1790 era in Santo Domingo (Haiti) virtually every white French man, woman, and child was murdered in a massive slave rebellion. In 1859 terrorist and psychopath John Brown tried to start such a rebellion. The New England radicals and fanatics financed Brown's raid on Harpers Ferry Virginia.
The Republican Party from 1854 to 1877 was what the Democratic Party is today-Socialist promoters of Social Engineering. 68 of 117 Republican Senators and Congressmen had signed a resolution based on the Helper book advocating and supporting terrorism against the South. It was the "Agitation against Slavery" and not the "Perpetuation of Slavery" that coupled with an unfair and unjust sectional tariff in combination with major Religious and Cultural differences that caused Southern secession. The Constitution of the Confederate States of  America prohibited the international slave trade. The South was paying 75-85% of the cost of operating the Federal government via the tariff. 80-90% of this tax money was being kept and spent in the North. Lincoln had promised the New England Industrialists that he would raise the tariff higher if elected and he did. New England industrialists wanted the South to pay for the industrialization of America with little or no cost to themselves. The upcoming MORRILL TARIFF Tax was 40% or more and the South did not have the votes to stop its passage.
The Southern states were offered the CORWIN AMENDMENT to the U.S. Constitution on March 2, 1861 that would have made slavery permanently legal in America if they would rejoin the Union. The Southern States declined to be "TAX SLAVES" and treated as an Agricultural Colony of the Industrial North. The goal was Southern Independence. Lincoln's "Save the Union" rant was a code for "Keep the Tax Money Coming". The famous English writer Charles Dickens stated "The Northern onslaught against Southern slavery is a specious piece of humbug designed to mask their desire for the economic control of the Southern states".

The "War of Northern Aggression" that followed was an epic struggle in which the South outnumbered 3 to 1 and with most manufacturing located in the North fought heroically and valiantly for INDEPENDENCE from the tyrannical, despotic, and dictatorial North. Lincoln, Sherman, Sheridan, Hunter, Custer and other Yankee officers were WAR CRIMINALS of the most vile type. They murdered, raped, tortured, robbed, stole, plundered, pillaged, and burned their way across the South. After destruction of the South, Yankee terrorists and psychopaths carried out a war of extermination against the Native American Indians. Yet modern liberals and dishonest Northern historians have attempted to claim the "Moral High Ground" for the North because slaves were freed following the war by the 13th Amendment. The Northern radicals, fanatics, zealots, and hypocrites did not free the Southern slaves for humanitarian reasons. They freed them so they could be given the right to vote and be used and manipulated to keep corrupt Northern politicians and carpetbaggers in power. Former Confederates were prohibited from voting.
So called "Reconstruction" was the plunder, pillage, and rape of the Southern states. It was the most corrupt era in American history and the treatment of white Southerners was so horrible that reconstruction was harder than the actual war on civilians. Uncle Sam's terrorist organization, the UNION LEAGUE, ruled by white Carpetbaggers had blacks to commit atrocities against white Southerners which included burning houses and barns, shooting livestock, poisoning wells, and committing murder and rape. This led to the formation of the KKK-a police and resistance organization and after Reconstruction it resulted in Jim Crow laws based on pre-war Northern Black Codes. Northern politicians have attempted to drive a wedge between white and black Southerners since about 1830 and their efforts continue to this day.

James W. King
SCV Camp 141 Commander
Albany Georgia