This excellent CD is now available to purchase in large quantity for a VERY LOW PRICE. For just $40, you can purchase 100 cd's to hand out when flagging, or to give to friends, family, or anyone with whom you discuss the Confederate Battle Flag. These cost efficient CDs provide an easy source to get the message out about the history of the Confederate battle flag, our heritage, why the Confederate Soldier fought, and the Christian origins of the Saint Andrews Cross.
Recent update from Joel Coleman:
To all who have ordered the CDs "Truth Concerning the Confederate Battle Flag" by Pastor John Weaver:
We have distributed over 80,000 of these very informative CDs at our cost, which is 35 cents each. They have gone out all over the Country and we intend to continue this worthwhile project.
If you or anyone you know would like some of these CDs, please contact me (info is below).
Here are instructions for ordering:
I prefer to limit orders to increments of 50, since they are so inexpensive, and considering the time and effort it takes to ship just a few. You can get 50 for $17.50 plus $3 for postage or 100 for $35 plus $5 for postage (all are individually sleeved). I hope this is not a problem for any of you. If you would like to have some sent to you, please send a check, payable to me to this address:
Joel Coleman
8405 Jenkins Rd.
Winston, Georgia 30187
or contact me direct at
Imagine the difference we could make in educating the public if everyone reading email distributed just 100 cd's during the Sesquicentennial!
Listen to the audio here:
High Speed Link:
Dial Up Link: