Tuesday, October 22, 2013

SCV National Leadership Workshop in Kansas City, Missouri, on Nov. 16, 2013


Sign up for this event by filling out the SCV Leadership Workshop Registration Form.  There is a $10 fee, which I was not aware of, but it is a nominal fee to pay for the quality of leadership that is going to be present. You will see that the SCV "Brass" is going to be here to put this workshop on:

Commander-in-Chief - Michael Givens
Lt. Commander-in-Chief - Kelly Barrow
Adjutant-in-Chief - Stephen Lee Ritchie
Vision 2016 Coordinator - Tom Hiter

Gents, this is something that I cannot ever remember, the National SCV Leadership coming to the Trans-Mississippi in this great of a number!  This is an opportunity that rarely comes along.  I realize that this day is the first day of Missouri deer season, but that was out of our control as this is the only date that all could make it work.  I would ask each of you to consider giving up that one day of deer hunting if you are a hunter for this event.

Please note, although this is a leadership workshop - ANY SCV MEMBER CAN ATTEND!... and with that in mind, I would put this forward for consideration.  I will ask that the Missouri Division reimburse anyone's $10 fee that attends, I believe it is that important for attendance.  We want the SCV National to know we are working hard here in Missouri and the Division has the funds to pay for this and will do so if the Exec. Council agrees, and I am confident that they will.  So... get registered, plan on carpooling and let's make this an event we can be proud of!

Send check or money order along with a completed registration form to
Sons of Confederate Veterans
P.O. Box 59
Columbia, TN 38402 

Darrell Maples - Commander
MO Division - SCV