Monday, October 14, 2013

Message from Commander Maples


Just a reminder that this Wednesday evening we will be presenting a Southern Cross of Honor Medal that was awarded to a Confederate Veteran from Boone County -- to the veteran's great-great grandson who will be coming from the State of Utah.  This will take place at the Boone County Historical Society Bldg. and will be hosted by the Col James J. Searcy Camp of Columbia .  Members of the UDC will be present as well since the medal was originally presented to the veteran by the UDC.  The event will take place at 7:00 p.m.  Please consider attending this very special event.  If you have any questions how to get to the location, please email Searcy Camp Commander Mark Stuart at:
Please share with your camp memberships.
Hope to see you there!
Darrell L. Maples - Commander
MO Division - SCV