Thursday, October 31, 2013

On Education: The SCV's Nathan Bedford Forest Ad

After reading the letter from Valeria Protopapas on the defamation of the Southern people through attempting to tie them to hate groups, don't forget the current SCV initiative to educate folks towards the truth about figures like Nathan Bedford Forest – whose grave and memorials have been defaced, erroneous statements have been perpetuated, and revisionist historians have attempted to remove from parks and public buildings.
Attached to this e-mail is a jpeg of the latest Forest advertisement, which can be used on blogs, newspapers, or printed out and distributed at local bulletin boards. 

As Michael Givens, Commander in Chief for the SCV recently noted in regards to this effort, "In recent years, the Cause of the Confederacy, indeed the cause of American Liberty, has been under attack at an ever-increasing intensity.  The bully-club of choice is mainly "slavery" with the proposed notion that the invaders from the North left their homes and families, risking mortal danger, on a benevolent mission to end the burdensome institution (that was financed and perpetuated to a large degree by their own kith and kin). One only needs to study a little history to realize that that nursery-rhyme was far from reality, but facts will never be found in the arsenal of the liar."
He continues, "The Cause of the South was simply independence and self-determination. The Cause was quelled (not lost). These United States were formed as a result of a victorious war of independence and self-determination. Our Confederate ancestors were merely continuing the legacy and heritage of that American brand of liberty. But, the liberty ideal did not fit the narrative of invasion and usurpation as was perpetrated by Mr. Lincoln and his hosts in the name of "saving the union." A new and more globally palatable excuse was needed—the abolition of slavery. Slavery is indeed the very antithesis of liberty, and what better way to one-up the Southern Cause than to claim the mantle of liberty as their own—hence all the confusion to this day."
"Now let's get this straight right from the beginning: the SCV carries no water for any hate group including the KKK," Givens notes. "We are not comfortable even having our name on the same page as theirs. This is why we cannot allow the continued slander of one of our most valiant heroes. I refer you to Dr. Michael Bradley's essay in the July-August issue of the Confederate Veteran concerning the true story of General Forrest. The lies cannot be allowed to continue unchallenged!"


The appearance of the KKK

None of this surprises me. Remember, the present "klan" is made up almost exclusively of government operatives from various agencies. The klan has been used as a straw man for years by those who wish to destroy Southern heritage. And given that despite every effort of the NAACP and the SPLC (not to mention Eric Holder's blatantly racist DoJ!) the cause of the South is waxing rather than waning, it is not at all surprising that the "klan" is being raised up once again as a "boogeyman" against the people and culture of the South. Alas, as most Americans are ignorant in the extreme on all matters historical and most matters of the moment, it is probable that you will indeed be "blamed" for this situation when exactly the opposite is true.

Few people know anything about the three manifestations of the klan, the last being strongest in the Mid-West rather than the South and whose members carried the American flag and not any symbol of the former Confederacy. So you can be sure that any appearance of folks in white robes will be presented by the media and seen by the ignorant as proof of the rise of "the klan"  which, in turn, will be seen as proof that every Southerner who loves his or her family and heritage is a klansman in disguise. Naturally the consequence of this "false flag" operation will be an attempt to redouble the present campaign of cultural genocide against the South!

What can Southerners (and their allies) do? Sadly, not much. All efforts to denounce and deny as well as educate must fail because such will be ignored and discredited by the media and the academic and heritage establishments and ignored by the general (and ignorant) public. Certainly such denials and rejections must be made, but it would be foolish to believe that they will be of much use. The best thing, therefore, is to continue to fight for your heritage and the hell with the klan or the government or the media or "public opinion." But the last thing you must do is give up and give in. That's what your enemies want and you must realize how very worried they are when they are willing to play the klan card one more time.

Valerie Protopapas (Lady Val)


Education Amid the Desolation of War

Holding the schoolroom to be an important part of the national strength during the war crisis, Southern educational leaders urged citizens to maintain good schools "as an illustration to the world of the civilization of the people of the Confederate States."  It was also stressed that the times demanded the labor of teachers corresponding to the "unexampled heroism and devotion of our soldiers . . . "

Bernhard Thuersam, Chairman
North Carolina War Between the States Sesquicentennial Commission
"Unsurpassed Valor, Courage and Devotion to Liberty"
"The Official Website of the North Carolina WBTS Sesquicentennial"

Education Amid the Desolation of War

"Among its many home-front problems the Confederacy faced the question of its children's formal education.  If this posed difficulties in normal times, it proved doubly so as the new nation fought for its existence on the battle line.  Of special concern to educators and other interested citizens were persistent problems of maintaining support for public schools during the exigencies of war, and providing young Confederates with textbooks free from the taint of "foreign" views.

[Midway] in the war, a national organization, the Educational Association of the Confederate States of America, was formed.  That its influence of Southern education was necessarily slight does not detract from the seriousness and inspiration of its intent.  The actions resulted in the organization of this association had their genesis in the activities of North Carolinians who were laboring on the problems of school support and textbooks within their own State.

Soon after North Carolina seceded from the Union, State Superintendent of Schools Calvin H. Wiley called a convention of teachers in Raleigh to discuss the situation. Those in attendance agreed on the desirability of forbidding the importation of foreign textbooks and urged the production of locally-written books . . . [At] the 1862 meeting of that association,  Wiley announced that the South would soon be independent "of all other countries" for its school books.

At this meeting, members . . . adopted a resolution calling for "a general convention of teachers throughout the Confederate States . . . to take into consideration the best means for supplying the necessary textbooks for use in our Schools and Colleges, and to unite their efforts for the advancement of the cause of education in the Confederacy . . ."

The convention was called for April 28, 1863, at Columbia, South Carolina.  Publicity and preparations were extensive . . . Newspapers [urged] a large attendance from the South. Groups of teachers and citizens in several cities chose delegates to represent them at the Columbia convention . . . [and] the North Carolina Literary Board named as its delegates [Wiley] and Richard Sterling, a board member and principal of Greensborough's Edgeworth Female Seminary. 

Sixty-nine person registered at the convention . . . South Carolina [sent] thirty six delegates . . .  Sixteen attended from North Carolina, ten from Georgia, three each from Virginia and Alabama, and one from Louisiana.

Enhancing the prestige of the convention was a letter from President Jefferson Davis.  While regretting the inability to be present, Davis expressed his "fullest sympathy" with the purpose of the convention and extolled the importance of school books in developing character and intelligence in children.  He expressed his joy in knowing "that the task of preserving these educational springs in purity has been devolved upon men so qualified to secure the desired results."

Several other letters, including one from North Carolina's Governor Zebulon B. Vance, were read to the delegates.  Vance's letter underscored President Davis's concern for "purity" in textbooks and he declared it a "pleasure to see that the desolation of war does not prevent the good the good men of the country from looking after this great and important matter. This is certainly the time to inaugurate the system of supplying our schools with our own books and impressing the minds of our children with the effusions of Southern genius."

His closing must have served as an added charge to the convention: "May God bless and prosper your efforts in a cause so patriotic and so greatly to be commended by every true Southern heart."

(The Educational Association of the CSA, O.L. Davis, Jr., Civil War History, Volume 10, Number 1, March 1964, State University of Iowa, pp. 67-71)

Wednesday, October 30, 2013


After the War Between the States, John Singleton Mosby, the Gray Ghost of the Confederacy, lived in Warrenton, Virginia. A hero of the Confederacy, he was granted amnesty from General U.S. Grant in1866. By 1872, Mosby was guiding President Grant's re-election campaign in Virginia. By 1877, Mosby's wife, Pauline, had died in Warrenton and an unknown assailant had taken a pot-shot at Mosby at the local train station. Because of this, Mosby had moved to Washington City and by 1879, Mosby was U.S. Consul in Hong Kong. The town of Warrenton has lovingly restored the home where Mosby lived in the 1870s. I am the docent there, giving guided tours from11 am until 4 pm every Saturday. Come by yourself or with your historic or church group, to enjoy Victorian ambiance and learn about Mosby's life before, during, and after the Civil War. Check out the museum at and Mosby Museum on Facebook. The museum is located at 173 Main Street, Warrenton, VA 20186.Go to the Visitors Center first to get your ticket(s). You can contact me at or call me at 202-374-3080.

Tuesday, October 29, 2013


Report of Lieut. Col. Huqh Cameron, Second Arkansas Cavalry (Union) to Brig. Gen. John B. Sanborn, Commanding District of Southwest Missouri


In the Field, Mount Vernon, Mo., October 31, 1864.

GENERAL:  I have the honor to report that on the 29th of October, 1864, with a detachment of about 400 men, principally of the Second Arkansas Cavalry, I pursued a body of rebels, supposed to be 800 strong, under command of Colonel Hodge, from Buck Prairie, Lawrence County, and encountered them at the Upshaw farm near Camp Bliss, Barry County.  Routed and dispersed them; killed 50, took 37 prisoners, 58 horses, 4 mules, a large number of saddles, and several stand of arms.  Three wounded only were found; the remainder escaped on their horses or concealed themselves in the brush.  The prisoners report that there were ten captains with Colonel Hodge, viz, Captains Thomas Todd and John Merrick, Captains Sitton, Kimball, Shull, Rudd, Withers, Onam, Arnold, and Annabury.  The last named was killed early in the encounter.  My loss was 1 man slightly wounded, 1 man injured by his horse falling, and a few horses crippled.

The officers and men under my command behaved gallantly.  Captain Mitchell, Seventh Provisional Enrolled Missouri Militia, commanding the advance, deserves to be especially mentioned.

I have the honor to be, general, most respectfully, your obedient servant,


Lieut. Col. Second Ark. Cav., Commanding Detachment, in the Field
SOURCE:  OR, Series I, Volume 41 (Part I), Pages 406-407.

Skirmish at Island Mound, Missouri -- October 29, 1862

The skirmish at Island Mound occurred on Oct. 29, 1862, in Bates County, Mo.  Although the skirmish was a minor encounter, it has larger significance because it was the first combat action by African-American soldiers during the Civil War. 

Monday, October 28, 2013

Battle of Newtonia, Missouri -- October 28, 1864

The Second Battle of Newtonia was fought on October 28, 1864. The conflict came near the end of Maj. Gen. Sterling Price's celebrated invasion of Missouri. With the Federals still in hot pursuit of Price's retreating Confederates, Maj. Gen. James Blunt observed Price's rear elements ahead of him on a prairie south of Newtonia and ordered a charge. Brig. Gen. Joseph Shelby saw the approaching enemy and immediately sent his division forward to meet them. Outnumbering Blunt, Shelby pushed the Federals back to Newtonia and nearly flanked them. The late arrival of reinforcements saved Blunt's column and allowed a brief counterattack at sunset. Both sides claimed victory. 

Missouri's Ordinance of Secession

Missouri's Ordinance of Secession

The following act was passed by the duly elected State Legislature. A quorum can be proven for the Senate and reasonable evidence suggests a quorum in the House. History books, generally, call this elected, governing body a "rump" legislature. The Southern view is the government installed by Federal occupation viz martial law was an illegal "rump" legislature.

AN ACT declaring the political ties heretofore existing between the State of Missouri and the United States of America dissolved.

WHEREAS, the Government of the United States, in the possession and under the control of a sectional party, has wantonly violated the compact originally made between said government and the State of Missouri, by invading with hostile armies the soil of the State, attacking and making prisoners the militia whilst legally assembled under the State laws, forcibly occupying the State capital, and attempting, through the instrumentality of domestic traitors, to usurp the State government, seizing and destroying private property, and murdering with fiendish malignity peaceable citizens, men, women, and children, together with other acts of atrocity, indicating a deep settled hostility toward the people of Missouri and their institutions; and,
WHEREAS, the present administration of the government of the United States has utterly ignored the Constitution, subverted the government as constructed and intended by its makers, and established a despotic and arbitrary power instead thereof; Now, therefore,
Be it enacted by the general assembly of the State of Missouri, as follows:
That all political ties of every character now existing between the government of the United States of America and the people and government of the State of Missouri, are hereby dissolved, and the State of Missouri, resuming the sovereignty granted by compact to the said United States upon admission of said State into the Federal Union, does again take its place as a free and independent republic amongst the nations of the earth.
This act to take effect and be in force from and after its passage.
Read first and second time and amended. Read third time and passed, October 28, 1861.

Sunday, October 27, 2013

Fall Muster Update

Dear Friends, Compatriots, and Reenactors,
Can you believe it?  We are only nine days out from the big party in the President's yard.  I don't know about y'all but I'm ready.

As we have mentioned several times, the addition of Varina's Garden has caused us to adapt and overcome.  We previously intended to set up sutler's row between the house and the garden.  In the meantime we have learned that there are numerous utility lines in that area.  So we cannot risk a tent spike hitting something that it does not need to be hit.

With that explanation here is what I hope is the final arrangement:  Modern vendors will be near the house.  Period sutlers will be in the reenacting area.  Our SCV food vendors will be on the north side of the garden near the entrance to the reenacting area.

We also have some great news about Saturday night.  Through the generosity of Andi Ostalet we will have an evening meal for the reenactors.  We certainly appreciate this contribution to Fall Muster.

Best regards,

Terry W. "Beetle" Bailey
Friends of Fall Muster

Saturday, October 26, 2013


Memphis, Tennessee
The NB FORREST Camp 215 SCV will host a memorial service to commemorate the event. The service will begin at 7:15 p.m. in Forrest Park.


Memphis, Tennessee
The NB FORREST Camp 215 SCV will host a memorial service to commemorate the event. The service will begin at 7:15 p.m. in Forrest Park.

Thursday, November 7th:  Susan Hathaway will be speaking at the November meeting of the Jackson Rangers, Camp #1917, SCV, Jackson County NC.  The meeting is at 6:00 p.m., and is held at the Barker's Creek Community Center.

November 8-10, 2013 - 2013 Honey Springs Battle Reenactment
Checotah, OK

November 9, 2013 - Thomas Jefferson Heritage Society presents: "The Character and Legacy of Thomas Jefferson and its Meaning for Americans Today"
Freedom Watch

Saturday, November 9th:  2:00 p.m. Flag rededication at the NC Museum of History, Raleigh, NC

November 16 - The November 2013 meeting of the Battle of Sharpsburg Camp #1582, Sons of Confederate Veterans will be on Saturday, November 16, 2013, at 12:00 PM at the National Museum of Civil War Medicine, 48 E. Patrick Street, Frederick, MD  21701,  We will have a docent lead tour which will start at noon, please arrive at the museum by 11:45 AM.  The cost of the tour is $6.95 per person which can be paid upon arrival and is open to members and non-members.   Please RSVP, Camp Commander Michael Wasiljov at, or 301-992-3122-C by November 2nd, 2013 so that we may provide the museum with an accurate count.  As always, if you have any questions, don't hesitate to contact me.

Friday, January 18th - Saturday, January 19th:  Lee-Jackson State Holiday/Flagging/Memorial Events, Lexington, Va

Saturday, February 1st:  Susan will travel to Statesboro, GA to speak at the Lee-Jackson Banquet, held by the Ogeechee Rifles, Camp #941, SCV.  RJ's Restaurant, 454 South Main St. (US 301 S.) @ 6 pm for the meal, preliminaries @ 7 pm and the program immediately following.  Seating limited to 125.  Ticket information forthcoming at a later date.

February 14-16, 2014 - Annual Reenactment of the Battle of Olustee or Ocean Pond
Olustee Battlefield Historic State Park, Florida

Saturday, February 22nd:  Susan will be speaking at the February meeting of the Rev. Beverly Tucker Lacy Camp #2141, SCV, Fredericksburg, VA.  4:00 p.m., Perkins Restaurant, 10 Simpson Rd. 

April 19, 2014:  Susan will be traveling to Quincy, FL to speak at the Confederate Memorial Day Service at the Soldier's Cemetery, sponsored by the Finley's Brigade, SCV.

Aug. 21-24, 2014 - ATTENTION!  Coming in 2014, four (4) days of honoring our nations' heroes!   On August 21st through the 24th, the city of Pigeon Forge will have a Freedom Celebration!  They will be Welcoming Home Vietnam Veterans and honoring ALL who have served America.  2014 will feature a grand parade from light #4 with a welcome home crowd lining the sideways and honoring the parade as they drive by. The parade will end at the Smoky Mountain Convention Center which will be hosting the 5th Annual Smoky Mountain Relic Show extravaganza on August 23rd and 24th. There will be a VVA Color Guard Competition, Military Vehicle Restoration Competition, Military Memorabilia Show and special coupon packages for the entire weekend.  The ticket package includes Smoky Mountain Relic Show, Smoky Mountain Opry's Salute to Patriots, Celebrate Freedom Concern (sponsored by Compassion International), Dixie Stampede's Vietnam Veteran's Salute and Sunday Morning Remembrance…  For more information contact: Lynn Hammond,

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Friday, October 25, 2013

Battle of the (Charlot's Farm) Marmaton River, Missouri -- October 25, 1864

In the fall of 1864, Major General Sterling Price led 12,000 Confederate cavalry on an ill-fated raid through Missouri. He was defeated at Westport on October 23, then pursued south by Federal cavalry. The demoralized Confederates were hindered by a train of approximately 500 wagons, loaded with captured supplies. Disaster struck again on October 25. Nearly half of Price's army was routed while protecting the wagons as they crossed Mine Creek in Kansas. The fugitives and wagons were pursued throughout the afternoon-their trail marked by discarded weapons, abandoned horses, and burning farms. Late in the afternoon, the wagons reached the Marmaton River at Douglass Ford, a mile northeast of Deerfield, Missouri-the only place where wagons could cross. To save his train, Price ordered Brigadier General Joseph O. Shelby to slow the pursuers.

First Battle of (Zagonyi's Charge) Springfield, Missouri -- October 25, 1861

On Oct. 25, 1861 Maj. Charles Zagonyi led a spectacular cavalry charge against a much larger Missouri State Guard force defending Springfield. The bloody charge was the sole military action of the Frémont Campaign of 1861. While Zagonyi’s Charge yielded no strategic gains, it did garner nationwide publicity as a rare federal triumph in a bleak period marked by Union defeats at First Bull Run, Wilson’s Creek, Lexington, and Ball’s Bluff in Virginia.
Zagonyi led the personal bodyguard of Maj. Gen. John C. Frémont, who was moving with 38,789 soldiers toward Springfield, intending to take that city from the secessionists and crush the forces of Gen. Sterling Price. But as Frémont neared Boliver, Price was a full 100 miles away at Neosho. There were reports that Springfield was lightly defended by 300-400 State Guardsmen. Zagonyi sought and received permission to lead the bodyguard against the Springfield defenders.

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Patriots of '61 -- Onslow County Men Off to War

"Following Lincoln's call for volunteers to be used against the Southern States, North Carolina seceded from the Union on May 20, 1861.  In Onslow, as elsewhere in the South, excitement was high and passions were at white heat.

Musters, as the countrywide meetings of the militia were called, were utilized as recruiting days.  On muster day the young men of the county volunteered for duty at once.  Their names were recorded on the Minutes, signed by Sheriff W.D. Humphrey [and certified] This September 3, 1861.

The County Court lost no time in backing to the limits, its volunteer soldiers. Bonds for $10,000 were ordered sold and a military tax levied.  Volunteers were offered a bonus of $150 and given $5 in pocket change. Volunteers brought whatever guns they had, one being listed as having a pistol and Bowie knife.  Several citizens were appointed to a committee to look after the families of soldiers absent from home."

Two companies of the Third North Carolina Regiment were from Onslow: the "Onslow Greys" (Company E), and Company G.

Company E was recruited early in 1861 with Marquis L.F. Redd, Captain. He was succeeded by W.T. Ennett, who distinguished himself and was later promoted to major [and commanded] the regiment in early April, 1865.  About the same time Company G was organized under Edward H. Rhodes, Captain, who was killed while leading his men in the battle of Sharpsburg.

The Fourteenth Volunteers was organized at Weldon on July 18, 1861 and included Company B from Onslow under the command of George T. Duffy.  They marched at once to the Kanawha Valley in western Virginia to reinforce Gen. John B. Floyd's army, then returned to Murphreysboro where they were reorganized as the Twenty-fourth North Carolina regiment.  With this unit the Onslow men saw action at Seven Days', White Oak Swamp, Malvern Hill, Drewry's Bluff, City Point, Sharpsburg, Fredericksburg, Plymouth, and Petersburg.

The "Onslow Rough and Ready's" mustered at Jacksonville on September 6, 1861 and moved at once to Camp Mangum, Raleigh under Onslow merchant, Captain Claude Barry.  The unit was organized as Company A, Thirty-fifth North Carolina Regiment  commanded by Captain Simon B. Taylor.  Taylor was born in Lenoir county but resided in Onslow as a merchant. The Thirty-fifth saw action in the Virginia campaigns as well as in eastern North Carolina.

The Forty-first Regiment, Third North Carolina Cavalry, contained two companies of Onslow County soldiers.  Company B organized in 1861 under Captain E.W. Ward and assumed the name "Gatling's Dragoons" with a full strength of 139 men.  After the capture of New Bern, the duty of Company B was to picket the streams of Onslow County but had skirmishes with the enemy at New Bern and Washington.  Company H, Humphrey Troops was organized in 1862 under Captain J.W. Moore and numbered 99 men.  This unit participated in routing the enemy at Reams Station in 1864.

Company K of the Sixty-first North Carolina Regiment was known as "Koonce's State Guerrillas" with men from Onslow, Jones, Lenoir and Duplin counties. It was led by Onslow law professor, Captain Francis Duval Koonce, and Captain Stephen W. Noble.  The Sixty-first saw action in eastern North Carolina as well as South Carolina, Petersburg, Drewry's Bluff, Bermuda Hundreds, Cold Harbor, Wilmington, and Bentonville.

Sources:  The Commonwealth of Onslow, A History, J.P. Brown, 1960; North Carolina Troops, 1861-1865, A Roster

North Carolina War Between the States Sesquicentennial

"Unsurpassed Valor, Courage, and devotion to liberty"

"The Official Website of the North Carolina War Between the States Sesquicentennial Commission"

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

SCV Telegraph- Press Release-Political Cartoon

   Sons of Confederate Veterans
SCV  Telegraph
Recently, a controversy has arisen regarding the appropriateness of the name of a professional sports team. While this is a matter for others to sort out and one which the Sons of Confederate Veterans (SCV) has no reason to comment upon, we do feel compelled to speak to a peripheral issue that has occurred. In attempting to offer his opinion and enter into the debate, New York Daily News cartoonist Tom Stiglich has taken the opportunity to depict the logo of the team with a Nazi flag and the Confederate Battle Flag.
Again, the primary debate is one that we have no interest in entering, but the implied similarity of the two flags is ridiculous and unconscionable. The outrageous social ideologies of Hitler and the well-known horrors of the Nazi regime, mass exterminations of ethnic groups and human eugenics, are completely incompatible with the foundations of the Confederacy and the South of 1861-1865.
This is not the first time this contorted comparison has been offered, but it needs to be the last. Men of goodwill can often disagree and have healthy debates, but to simply superimpose "Nazi" and everything that goes with it over someone, some group or some philosophy with which you disagree is childish and beneath the dignity of Americans.

The Confederacy did not practice "ethnic cleansing"; in fact, it attempted to practice political cleansing by reestablishing a Constitutional Republic. Judah P. Benjamin served as Secretary of War and then as Secretary of State. It would be almost a half-century until a US President would appoint a Jewish Cabinet member, when, in 1906 Theodore Roosevelt appointed Oscar S. Straus to the post of Secretary of Commerce and Labor. Additionally, untold numbers of blacks, many of them free, served in Confederate units. Also worthy of note is the record of General Stand Watie of the Cherokee Braves; he was the last Confederate general to surrender his troops.
Mr. Stiglich owes the myriad Confederate descendants an apology. Shame on him and "Hail to the Cherokee Braves."
Michael Givens, Commander-in-chief (931) 442-1831
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Yankees and Rebels clash at the Battle of Westport -- Oct 23, 1864

On this day in 1864, Confederate General Sterling Price's raid on Missouri nearly turns into disaster when his army is pinned between two Union forces at Westport, Missouri, near Kansas City. Although outnumbered, Price's forces managed to slip safely away after the Battle of Westport, which was the biggest conflict west of the Mississippi River.

Battle of Westport, Missouri -- October 23, 1864

The Battle of Westport was fought on Oct. 23, 1864, in what today is Kansas City between the Union forces of Maj. Gen. Samuel R. Curtis and the Confederate troops of Maj. Gen. Sterling Price.
The fight is sometimes referred to as “the Gettysburg of the West’ because it was one of the largest to be fought west of the Mississippi River, with more than 30,000 soldiers involved.

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

SCV National Leadership Workshop in Kansas City, Missouri, on Nov. 16, 2013


Sign up for this event by filling out the SCV Leadership Workshop Registration Form.  There is a $10 fee, which I was not aware of, but it is a nominal fee to pay for the quality of leadership that is going to be present. You will see that the SCV "Brass" is going to be here to put this workshop on:

Commander-in-Chief - Michael Givens
Lt. Commander-in-Chief - Kelly Barrow
Adjutant-in-Chief - Stephen Lee Ritchie
Vision 2016 Coordinator - Tom Hiter

Gents, this is something that I cannot ever remember, the National SCV Leadership coming to the Trans-Mississippi in this great of a number!  This is an opportunity that rarely comes along.  I realize that this day is the first day of Missouri deer season, but that was out of our control as this is the only date that all could make it work.  I would ask each of you to consider giving up that one day of deer hunting if you are a hunter for this event.

Please note, although this is a leadership workshop - ANY SCV MEMBER CAN ATTEND!... and with that in mind, I would put this forward for consideration.  I will ask that the Missouri Division reimburse anyone's $10 fee that attends, I believe it is that important for attendance.  We want the SCV National to know we are working hard here in Missouri and the Division has the funds to pay for this and will do so if the Exec. Council agrees, and I am confident that they will.  So... get registered, plan on carpooling and let's make this an event we can be proud of!

Send check or money order along with a completed registration form to
Sons of Confederate Veterans
P.O. Box 59
Columbia, TN 38402 

Darrell Maples - Commander
MO Division - SCV

War for Protective Tariffs, Income Taxes and Astonishing Profits

The War Between the States commenced by Lincoln immediately presented he and his administration with the problem of a conflict the United States could not afford.  In April 1861, federal spending was only about $172,000 a day, raised by tariffs and land sales.  By the end of July 1861, Lincoln had caused this to increase to $1 million, and by the end of December it was up to $1.5 million per day.  Also in December 1861 Northern banks had to stop paying their debts in gold, with the federal government doing the same shortly after and resorting to printing money.  The country had gone off the gold standard, Wall Street was in a panic, and Lincoln would lament, "The bottom is out of the tub, what shall I do?"

Bernhard Thuersam, Chairman

North Carolina War Between the States Sesquicentennial Commission

"Unsurpassed Valor, Courage and Devotion to Liberty"

"The Official Website of the North Carolina WBTS Sesquicentennial"

War for Protective Tariffs, Income Taxes and Astonishing Profits

"By May 1864 [financier Jay] Cooke was selling [Northern] war bonds so successfully that he was actually raising money as fast as the War Department could spend it, no mean feat for that was about $2 million a day at this point. Altogether, the North raised fully two-thirds of its revenues by selling bonds. If Abraham Lincoln must always be given the credit for saving the Union, there is also no doubt that the national debt was one of the most powerful tools at his disposal for forging victory.

Although the [Northern] people were willing to endure very high taxes during the war, peacetime was another matter altogether. Immediately after the war the cry for repeal of the wartime taxes became insistent. With military expenses quickly dropping, the problem, was what taxes to cut. American industrialists, who had prospered greatly thanks to wartime demand and wartime high tariffs, naturally did not want the tariffs cut.  Because the Civil War had broken the political power of the South, the center of opposition to the tariff, they got their way.

The tariff was kept at rates far above the government's need for revenue as the North industrialized at a furious pace in the last three decades of the nineteenth century and became the greatest – and most efficient – industrial power in the world.  Of course, no matter how large, efficient, and mature these industries became, they continued to demand [tariff] protection, and, thanks to their wealth and political power, get it.

As Professor William Graham Sumner of Yale explained as early as 1885, "The longer they live, the bigger babies they are."  It was only after the bitter dispute between Andrew Carnegie and Henry Clay Frick caused the astonishing profits of the privately held – and highly protected – Carnegie Steel Company to become public knowledge, in 1899, that the political coalition behind high tariffs began to crack.

Before the Civil War there had been little advocacy of an income tax in this country, at least at the federal level, although by the war six States had implemented such taxes for their own revenue purposes. But once a federal income tax was in place, thanks to the Civil War, it quickly acquired advocates, as political programs always do.

These advocates pushed the idea relentlessly . . . Republican Senator John Sherman….said during a debate on renewing the income tax in 1872, that "here we have in New York Mr. Astor with an income of millions derived from real estate . . . and we have along side of him a poor man receiving $1000 a year. [The law] is altogether against the poor man….yet we are afraid to tax Mr. Astor. Is there any justice in it?  Why, sir, the income tax is the only one that tends to equalize these burdens between the rich and the poor."

(Hamilton's Blessing, John Steele Gordon, Penguin Books, 1997, pp. 79-83)

Monday, October 21, 2013

Battle of Fredericktown, Missouri - October 21, 1861

The Battle of Fredericktown was fought on Oct. 21, 1861. Gen. M. Jeff Thompson set the stage for the Battle of Fredericktown in mid-October 1861 when he led the 1st Division, Missouri State Guard, to disrupt the Iron Mountain Railroad, the main Union artery from St. Louis into the southeastern Ozarks.

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Hostile Blogs


I think all southern patriots should sign up and post to the blogs listed below They are very hostile to anything Confederate. they seldom post anything historical without twisting the facts to fit their agenda. They are very bigoted, hateful and insulting. I have been banned from both blogs because I refuse to take their insults without giving the same back to them. Every Southern Patriot should make every effort for as long as it takes to disrupt these blogs. Unless we take a stand and defend our heritage at all costs, this hate is going to keep building and spreading. I have drawn a line in the sand and have said i will give this much and no more. Is anyone with me?

Go to --
Dead Confederates at

Student of The Civil War ---

All blogs by these two authors can be accessed by finding the blog tags at the bottom of the pages.

George Purvis
Southern Heritage Advancement Preservation and Education

Saturday, October 19, 2013

An Update on Glendale, Malvern Hill, and First Deep Bottom

Civil War Trust
Support 3 Richmond Battlefields
Back in February we told you about an incredible opportunity to build on previous successes at Glendale, Malvern Hill, and First Deep Bottom, tracts of land that saw significant action during the fighting around the Confederate capital, Richmond. Since then—thanks to the generosity of our members—we have raised nearly 83% of the $271,675 needed to save these three crucial properties. This leaves us with just $46,446 left to raise to preserve these important pieces of American history forever.
Now, thanks to the help of an anonymous donor, we are even closer to saving these three battlefields. If the Civil War Trust can raise $21,446—less than 8% of the our original goal—this anonymous donor will put in the final $25,000 so we can finally declare these parcels saved!
10 Facts

Friday, October 18, 2013

Palmyra Massacre -- October 18, 1862

The Palmyra Massacre was a grim ending to Confederate Col. Joseph Porter’s 1862 recruiting campaign in northeast Missouri. Besides recruiting local men for the Confederate army, Porter attacked Union outposts and patrols all summer long. In mid-September, Porter led his men to Palmyra, where they captured–and later apparently killed–a pro-Union citizen. The next month, on Oct. 18, 1862, 10 Confederate prisoners were executed at Palmyra’s fairgrounds in retaliation for the murder.

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Benefit Dinner for Robbie Maupin

There will be a Benefit Shoot-out for Robbie Maupin on Saturday, October 26 at Big River Ranch east of Lexington .  The schedule includes
Pony Rides at noon
Shoot out at 2
Arena Challenge at 3:30
Pot Luck Dinner at 5
Benefit Auction at 7
50/50 Raffle raps up the evening
The contacts are Tom at 816 500 7525 or Sharon at 816 500 7506 - if you want to donate or have any questions, call one of them.
In case you do not know the story, Robbie accidently discharged his Walker at the Richmond Outlaw Festival back in September and put a fist-size hole in his leg as a result.  He was life-flighted to North Kansas City Hospital at that point and spent several days in the hospital.  The wound was recently re-packed incorrectly and he is back in the hospital.  Robbie runs Big River Ranch and has hosted many rides and shoots there - he also coordinates Midwest Performance Riders, a group who rides in many parades, appears at festivals and movies, etc. 
Please help spread the word on this event!  

Missouri Day

Missouri Day

On March 22, 1915, the 48th General Assembly set aside the third Wednesday in October each year as "Missouri Day," due to the efforts of Mrs. Anna Brosius Korn, a native Missourian. Missouri Day is a time for schools to honor the state and for the people of the state to celebrate the achievements of all Missourians. (RSMo 9.040)