Tuesday, July 17, 2012

SCV - Missouri Division Newsletter


I just wanted to let you know that to date -- if my records and if my math are correct -- we have received $525 in donations toward assisting with the cost of the "Bear Flag Patriots", the Missouri Division's newsletter.  I want to take this time to thank all those that have contributed, and to encourage others to consider assisting as well.  Along with our website, the newsletter is the primary source of communication throughout the Missouri Division.  Sharing camp activities and functions, distributing news and annoucements, etc. is vital to keeping every camp in touch with the Division and other camps.  Again, I want to thank those that have "joined the Guard" and have become members of the "Patriot Army of Missouri". It is interesting to note that several of the donors are members who have chosen to receive the newsletter via email, but even so have also chosen to donate toward the newsletter.  That says great things for our membership and how important the SCV is to those members. 

Please share this email with your respective memberships if possible.

Confederate Regards,

Darrell L. Maples - Commander
Missouri Division - SCV