Unless one is ashamed of his heritage or a coward, it would seem to me that now more then any other time, there should be battle flags flying on homes and displayed on vehicles. Let’s just cut to the chase here. We can choose to cower to political and socialists manipulations, (I’m too scared to display the flag…might upset my neighbor) or we can fly the flag many of our ancestors died for defending liberty and freedom and be PROUD to display it.
There ought to be a battle flag flying on every members front porch, every day, 365 days a year. Hughes Camp will be happy to sell you one if you don’t have one.I will provide a bumper sticker with a battle flag on it FREE to any member of the Missouri Division who will display it on their vehicle if they are too tight to pay a dollar for it. I will even pay the postage for the extreme tightwads out there.
I’m not one to mince words. It is time to man up and fly the flag.Tim BorronMissouri Western Brigade Commander