Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Confederate Monument at Forest Park was vandalized


The hits just keep on coming.  Overnight, the Confederate Monument at Forest Park was vandalized.... "black lives matter", etc.  Who didn't see this coming, right?!?!?  I am furious.  I have called the Mayors Office and have demanded to be contacted in return.  I personally hold Mayor Slay at the very least ... partially responsible for this act of vandalism.  I am demanding to know what will be done to restore this monument to its previous condition, and I have also volunteered to assist in that cleanup.  If we are allowed to do so, I would suggest that we all attempt to go and clean the monument up.   I will keep you posted in that regard.

Now... let's take a deep breath or two... for all of our detractors, etc., we are seeing a flood of support as well.  I can tell you that I am getting quite a few folks wanting to now join the SCV and as you probably know, Confederate flag sales have incredibly spiked.  Let's hold on to the positives, we have to do so!

More to come later I'm sure.  Please share with your memberships.

Darrell Maples - Commander
Missouri Division - SCV