Friday, June 26, 2015

Status of Confederate Veteran



Dear Sirs,

In the court case, McCulloh vs. the State Bank of Maryland, with U.S. Supreme Court Chief Justice John Marshall, delivering the opinion of the Court.... Any theater that the Federal Government operates in, it is the supreme entity.

This letter is intended to serve as a twofold complaint against the State of Florida,who in its capacity to satisfy the political agenda of the 501C3 organizations known as the NAACP ( National Association for the Advancement  for Colored People),and the Southern Poverty Law Center who have misused their non-profit status to try and destroy the 501C3 Heritage organization," the Sons of Confederate Veterans" because of its corporate logo; the U.S. Congress mandated venerated symbol known as the Confederate Battle Flag.

This complaint is extended to include the entity of the Executive Inn of Knoxville, Tennessee who in its capacity of U.S. commerce would refuse to rent a room in my behalf because they refused to accept the non-profit papers of the Sons coming from their Department of State because those corporate papers had the corporate logo (the Confederate Battle Flag) of the Sons of Confederate Veterans.

To carry out a plan to eliminate an American Veteran (Confederate soldier) from the Florida Veterans Hall of Fame. A soldier so declared to be in Public Law 85-425; US Statues at Large Volume 72, Part 1, Page 133-134. The Florida Attorney General so ruled that the State of Florida has its very own interpretation of what merits an American Veteran, thereby in the process of content discrimination excluding the names of 3 formal Confederate soldiers that were so nominated by its Advisory Committee to this Hall.

By Federal Act of Congress (May 23, 1958) all Confederate Veterans are recognized as United States Military Veterans, and deserve all the rights and honors pertinent to such service with Veteran status.

I anxiously await your reply.

HK Edgerton                                            

Chairman Board of Advisors Emeritus                                            

Southern Legal resource Center