Monday, June 22, 2015

Halfway to our Goal at Champion Hill

Halfway to our Goal at Champion Hill

$90,000 to go to save 66 acres at this pivotal battlefield!

From Our President

Jim Lighthizer Photo
June 2015
Dear Fellow Dedicated Preservationist,
I wrote to you last month about the 66 historic acres on Champion Hill that needs to be preserved. I am pleased to send you an update today that we have raised half ($90,000) of the $180,000 needed to save this land!
The May 16, 1863 Battle of Champion Hill was the largest, bloodiest and most significant action of Ulysses S. Grant's Vicksburg Campaign. Located in the absolute heart of the battlefield, these 66 historic acres deserve our protection.
The purchase price is $640,000, and we are currently applying for a federal matching grant for $260,000. Thanks to the generosity of a fellow Civil War Trust member who wishes to remain anonymous, we have received a generous commitment of $200,000 for the preservation of Champion Hill. This brought our goal to $180,000. Now, we need just $90,000 more to make sure this land will never fall victim to development!
Together, you and I have already saved 406 acres at Champion Hill. Permanently preserving another 66 acres will enhance this battlefield as a memorial to the brave soldiers who gave their lives on that land 152 years ago. Let us honor those 5,400 soldiers who were killed, wounded or captured that day and save these crucial 66 historic acres at Champion Hill!

- Jim Lighthizer, Civil War Trust President

Congressman Hal Rogers and Civil War Trust at Mill Springs

Mill Springs U.S. Rep. Hal Rogers joined the Civil War Trust and local preservationists on May 23 to announce protection of 118 acres at Mill Springs.

War Department: Making History at Champion Hill

War Department In the most recent episode of our video series, War Department™, Historian Terry Winschel discusses the fighting on our target 66-acre tract at the Champion Hill battlefield.

"We are fighting the battle for Vicksburg"

Vicksburg Article In this article by Sam Smith, learn about the seesaw Battle of Champion as Union and Confederate forces struggle for control of the Jackson Road—the very land that the Civil War Trust is working to preserve!

Fortifications In4 Video

Fortifications In4 In this In4 segment, Historian Garry Adelman explains the various types of fortifications used by both sides during the Civil War!

Vicksburg Animated Map

Vicksburg Animated Map Watch our animated map of the Battle of Vicksburg and learn more about this important Civil War campaign and battle, sometimes called the turning point in the war.

June Civil War Battles

June Civil War Battles Expand your knowledge of the Civil War by learning more about some of the Civil War battles that occurred in the month of June. Access our history articles, photos, maps, and links for the battles listed below.

Dispatches from the Front Lines

Help Save America's History
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Save a Battlefield
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Leave-A-Legacy Challenge Complete!

Thank you to everyone who joined the Honor Guard legacy giving society during the Leave-A-Legacy Challenge—we have reached our goal of 500 new Honor Guard members during the Sesquicentennial!
If you haven't yet joined, please consider including the Civil War Trust in your estate plans to ensure that battlefield preservation can continue for years to come! Email for more information.
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Join us as we continue to commemorate the sesquicentennial of the American Civil War! Visit for sesquicentennial events, news and features.
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June 3-7, 2015
Annual Conference
Richmond, VA
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July 16-19, 2015
National Teacher Institute
Washington, D.C.
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September 25-27, 2015
Grand Review
Charleston, SC
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