School Board Vote Signals Start of Community Input on Forrest
Forrest High School Community Invited To Participate in Process
Jacksonville, FL - November 8, 2013 -- Duval County Public Schools is to begin its school renaming process, following action the Duval County School Board took today in a special meeting. In a 7-0 vote, the Board accepted the request District V Board Member Constance D. Hall made during its November 5th meeting to initiate the renaming process for Nathan B. Forrest High School. "From time to time, it is necessary to rename an existing school for a variety of reasons," said Dr. Constance Hall in her letter. "The renaming of schools must also support the District School Board's mission, vision and core values and meet the best interests of the school's students." The renaming process, identified in Duval County School Board Policy, requires the superintendent to solicit community input from various groups including the school's students and faculty members, the School Advisory Council (SAC), school's Parent Teacher Association (PTA), community members within the school's attendance zone, and alumni "There has been a tremendous amount of community and national interest in the Forrest High School name," said Nikolai P. Vitti, Superintendent of Schools. "We recognize and respect the views expressed about N.B. Forrest and will adhere to board policies and procedures throughout this process."
In April 1997, the board policy Naming or Renaming Schools or School Facilities was established, guiding the process that the Forrest High School Advisory Council (SAC) used to recommend renaming in 2007 (5-2 vote). In November of 2008, the policy was updated to the current policy, which permits the superintendent, a board member, SAC, PTA, or 75 percent of students, alumni, and community members to initiate a name change. In addition, these stakeholder groups are invited to provide input to the superintendent in the establishment of procedures for renaming schools. Schools, according to the current policy, shall not be named for persons (living or deceased) or be in conflict with an existing school or district facility name.
Superintendent Vitti has identified the steps that the district will take to gather stakeholder input. They include the development of a survey to be administered to board-identified stakeholder groups, as well as school site, and community town hall meetings. Upon conclusion of the meetings and compilation of data, the superintendent will present his findings and recommendation to change or not change the name of Nathan B. Forrest High School at a Duval County School Board meeting. Duval County Public Schools is one of the nation's largest school districts, serving over 125,000 students in more than 150 schools. Its mission is to provide educational excellence in every school, in every classroom, for every student, every day. Nathan B. Forrest High SchoolOur School | Forrest Facts | Our Process | TimelineCommitment
Thank you for your interest in Nathan B. Forrest High School. In adherence to the Duval County School Board Policy Naming & Renaming Schools or Facilities (8.59) we are in the process of receiving community input from Forrest's students, faculty, School Advisory Council (SAC), Parent Teacher Association (PTA), alumni and community members within the school's attendance zone. We began this process November 14th, following School Board approval of District V Board member Constance Hall's request to initiate the renaming process.
We are committed to engaging caregivers and community members to establish and sustain a culture throughout our district that is collaborative, transparent, and child centric. Over these next several weeks, we are diligently gathering input from each of the board policy-identified stakeholder groups, and compiling responses and information to present to the Duval County School Board early next year. We are delighted to engage the Forrest stakeholders and look forward to their thoughts and opinions, and/or meetings and discussions. The general community is encouraged to stay informed and supportive of our efforts to meet the needs and interests of Forrest High students and the school community. Our School
Nathan B. Forrest is one of 20 Duval County high schools located in Jacksonville, Fla. Recognized as one of the nation's largest school districts, Duval County Public Schools serves more than 125,000 students throughout more than 160 schools.
Established in 1959, the west side high school serves students in grades 9-12, and is home to a number of advanced academic and college readiness programs including AICE (Advanced International Certificate of Education), as well as culinary arts and logistics themed career technical education courses. In addition, the school operates an AFROTC
program with recognized drill team and color guard services.
Click here to learn more about how these programs are preparing students for college, career, and life. ![]() Forrest High School Facts
Our Process
In 2013, the Duval County School Board adopted a strategic plan that specifies our commitment to providing "educational excellence in every school, in every classroom, for every student, every day." Guiding our mission are the core values of excellence, integrity, innovation, equity, and collaboration that we will use throughout the Forrest community engagement process.
The School Board Naming or Renaming Schools or School Facilities adopted a policy in 2008. During the November 5, 2013 School Board meeting, Superintendent Vitti presented an overview about the renaming process that adheres to the school board policy as requested. ![]() Timeline
The following events will take place at Nathan B. Forrest High School (5530 Firestone Rd., Jacksonville, Fla. 32244), where surveys will be distributed at each meeting. Persons must attend and present stakeholder verification documents to participate. Any one (1) of the following verification documents, accompanied by a photo ID, are required: diploma, highschool transcript, or proof of high school name and graduation year; utility bill, mortgage or lease, voter's registration card).
Please note that all meetings are limited to the identified stakeholder group.
Event & Time
December 3
Faculty/Staff Meeting: 3:00-4:00 p.m.
December 6
Community/Alumni* Survey Period: 3:00-9:00 p.m.December 7
Community/Alumni* Survey Period: 8:00-5:00 p.m.
December 10
PTA/SAC Meeting: 4:30-5:30 p.m.
Town Hall Meeting: 6:00-8:00 p.m.
December 11
Panel Discussion for Students - 8:00-9:30 a.m.
Deadline for Submission of Out of Town Surveys
December 12
Final Collection of Survey Results due to Superintendent
*Out-of-town alumni unable to attend may participate by printing this survey, and returning it with identification verification documents by December 11th. All surveys should be postmarked by December 9th.
Please return to:
Duval County Public Schools
RE: Forrest Alumni Survey
1701 Prudential Dr., Room 606
Jacksonville, FL 32207
Please return to:
Duval County Public Schools
RE: Forrest Alumni Survey
1701 Prudential Dr., Room 606
Jacksonville, FL 32207
Please know that our goal is to ensure that the policy is enforced consistently and equitably. Marsha Oliver
Marsha G. Oliver, MBA
Chief Officer, Communications
Duval County Public Schools
1701 Prudential Dr.
Jacksonville, FL 32207
904.228.1602 – media mobile
From: Joan Cooper []
Sent: Tuesday, November 26, 2013 1:21 PM
To: Vitti, Nikolai; Hall, Constance
Cc: Oliver, Marsha R.
Subject: Forrest alumni survey
Sent: Tuesday, November 26, 2013 1:21 PM
To: Vitti, Nikolai; Hall, Constance
Cc: Oliver, Marsha R.
Subject: Forrest alumni survey
I have a MAJOR problem with the way this survey issue is being handled and I am sure the attorneys will have a field day.
You have not made any public announcements to anyone that this survey is taking place. It is only by word of mouth that I found out. That is hardly a democratic or fair way to conduct a survey as only a few select people will know about this. Is that the desired intent? To not let the people involved participate and only have a few selected surveys?
You are requiring that alumni provide proof of graduation. My diploma is packed up in a box in a storage room in Georgia. I do not have time to get there and unload the storage room looking for it. So, I went on-line to request a copy of a transcript. The return time is three weeks. I WON'T GET THE PROOF UNTIL AFTER THE SURVEY DEADLINE.
It would appear that the odds are stacked against the very people that are supposed to be giving an opinion.
This whole situation really smells of a conspiracy. Things done in the dark always come to light. The voters will remember this come election time.
MRS. Joan Cooper
Class of 1970
I will be filing a separate complaint with the IT Department about filling out the request form. I had to call three times to finally be told that every single blank had to be filled out with something in order to make the form process, not just the "starred" areas. A definite communication problem there.