Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Interesting comparison

Next time someone calls your Confederate ancestors traitors you may ask them to contemplate…

That many Southerners (most of whom never owned any slaves) saw self-righteous New England Puritans as the Taliban (radical religious fanatics) of their time (e.g. Salem witch trials etc). It was their intention to force their will and ideology on the people of the South, an idea independent Southerners fiercely rejected…

The overwhelming majority of New Englanders had NO problem with slavery; in fact slavery began in the New England states and its citizens, particularly in Massachusetts and Rhode Island, made fortunes from the slave trade, and it continued to profit from slavery right up to and throughout the war.

Like todays Taliban, New England Yankees were prepared to kill every man, woman and child in order to impose their philosophy and in the process rape, burn, loot and torture it's way through the Southland. Northern media and the likes of General Sherman are documented as saying such, and this government-endorsed scorched earth policy continued with virtual perfection after the war with the near extermination of the Western Indians.

That said, fast-forward 150 years and imagine a Taliban style regime now dominating the Congress having been elected by less than 40% of the popular vote and presently threatening to invade your homes and impose its will on your people. (Considering today's political climate, that's not so far fetched, it's happened already and history often repeats itself). Would today's population submit to that form of rule or would it rebel and form a new government, one having the consent of the people as stated by our Declaration of Independence?

In this new scenario, should the Taliban win, all who oppose it would be called traitors…and guess who writes the            history after that! (Good becomes evil, right becomes wrong, just like in the case of the War for Southern Independence)…Deo Vindice!

The 5th Iowa Cavalry beheaded Jack Hinson's boys (non-combatants) and put their heads on his fence posts...