Sunday, August 4, 2013


"There is a merger in progress that involves the American Civil War Center at Historic Tredegar, the Museum of the Confederacy and the Virginia Historical Society. The name Museum of the Confederacy will cease to exist."
This is not a merger, but rather a takeover and should be stopped. An email campaign should be started and directed at Waite Rawls who is President and CEO of the museum. His address is Everyone needs to be aware of this situation as the paperwork is currently be prepared and could be signed as early as Aug. 1.
The records would be very difficult, if not impossible to access in the future and OUR CONFEDERATE TREASURES would be in the hands of less than Confederate friendly people. Government Representatives must also be made aware. This is another way to Reconstruct the South and hide the true history of Our Ancestors.
Please share this information. We need to make a difference and we need to show our solidarity now.

For Our Confederate Ancestors,

Mike Pullen
VA Div. Commander
Folks, I'm taking the liberty to send the below letter to Waite Rawls from our Heritage Defense Coordinator, K. Harris, as we need YOU to write something (use this as a guide) like this and send your message of disbelief to him.  A paper copy in the US Mail is best but send an email as well. We need to jam-up his letter box with our messages and thoughts on this anti- Southern, anti-Confederate action. TODAY!!!  

From: PaCountyReb


It is my understanding that there is a proposed merger between the MOC, the American Civil War Center at Tredegar, and the Virginia Historical Society, and out of this merger will cease to exist the MOC. Why on Gods earth would anyone, especially you being a descendent of a Confederate soldier, want to do away with the MOC. First it was the R.E. Lee Memorial Park, now this. Will this assault on our Southern heritage never end, as it is pure blasphemy, and you as a Southerner should be not only embarrassed, but also ashamed for taking part in such a vile act upon our heritage and turning your back on our Confederate ancestors!

With concern and disbelief, respectfully,
Kenny Harris,
Heritage Defense Coordinator, Virginia Division Sons of Confederate Veterans
Dear Brother Parsons,
The statue of the Honorable President Jefferson Davis and his adopted African slave son, Jim Limber was denied placement at Tredegar by the Governing Board,( the ironworks where the cannon that fired on Ft. Sumter was made); yet they allowed placement of a monument of Lincoln and his son Todd there. The Boards action not only marked the ultimate insult in a line of insults to include Wilder sanctioning and participating in this fiasco meant to destroy the spirit of Southern people, while denigrating the honor and memories of their ancestors, (freed or indentured, Red, Yellow, Black, Brown or White)
Their actions spelled the doom for the Museum of the Confederacy, and ushered in a new era of Southern social and cultural genocide, if successful , will ultimately end the last remnants of an America bound in the Christian principles of the likes of John Calvin and the Constitution that govern us.
Ironically, in the waning hours of our impending doom, God has sent us Superman," the Honorable Attorney and Chief Trial Counselor of the Southern Legal Resource Center, and perhaps the smartest man on earth to plead our cause in the highest court in the land, using the civil case of young Candice Hardwick as the catalyst for his deliverance. A deliverance that could end the Cold War Between the States with the richly deserved honor for the American people in the region of the country so called the South, and the recognition in honor of those citizen soldiers and the Colors they carried in defense of their homeland.
And every one of us need to support this man . Send a donation compatible with your station to: Southern Legal Resource Center, P.O. Box, 1235, N.C. 28711. God bless you.