The latest edition of the
Hughes Camp newsletter is now available on the camp website. The paper copy was placed into the mail yesterday afternoon, so a few of the camp members on the mailing list may not receive their copy prior to this months meeting on Thursday. Please help get the word out about January's meeting.
Our speaker this month will be Diane Rogers who is author of 10 books, 9 of which are on the War of Northern Aggression. Her topic will be on one of her books- “Elizabeth’s War”. This is about the tale of a women who’s husband and son were off to war fighting for the South, Elizabeth had 6 kids at home. They were surviving at home up to Order No. 11 at which time they were forced to endure the hardships of the trip from Cleveland, Mo to Osceola.
Also, don't forget this years Lee Jackson Dinner is on January 17th, 2015, at The Lake of the Ozarks. Donald L. Gilmore will be our speaker and his subject will be “The Redlegs: The Dark Underbelly of the Civil War.” You won’t want to miss Don’s latest research! Registration enclosed in
this months newsletter.
Take a look at the January 2015 Newsletter:
The Hughes News - 2015-01.pdf