Thursday, January 1, 2015

Do you need a speaker for Robert E. Lee's birthday?

General Robert E. Lee, whose 200th birthday we celebrated in 2007, made his greatest contribution to the South in the years following his surrender at Appomattox. A brilliant military commander and strategist, Lee brought to a small town in western Virginia those skills, as well as his ability to work with and engender respect from a wide assortment of people.

William Connery, noted author, with two History Press imprints (Civil War Northern Virginia 1861 and Mosby's Raids in Civil War Northern Virginia) is currently available for speaking on Honoring President Robert E. Lee throughout the greater Baltimore/DC/Richmond area.

He is also available to speak on The Confederate Navy & the CSS Shenandoah, President John Tyler & the Confederacy and Fort McHenry During the War.

He can be reached at or call 703-719-6639.