Sunday, May 4, 2014

Message From Commander Maples

We are in the final stages of going forward with the billboard along I-70.  The location of the sign can be better for just a few extra dollars, and a few of us are going to chip in, but we could use about $200 or $300 more to get the prime location.   If we could electronically "pass the hat", we will have a much better location and not hit our Division treasury as hard.

Many thanks for all who donate.  If you would like to donate online you can use the donate button below setup by Hughes Camp, or you can send your checks to me made out to the MO Division.  I will be chipping in and the Price Camp already donated $250 by the way.  Any extra received would just go toward offsetting the overall cost.

Darrell Maples - Cmdr.
MO Division - SCV