Messages from John T. Hughes Camp #614 Sons of Confederate Veterans. We are constantly looking for news and information related to Southern Heritage and the War Between The States.
Monday, April 21, 2014
Confederate History Month on Facebook
Dear Friends,
Please re-post as you wish.
Face book is where it is happening and that's where you need to be to follow Confederate History and Heritage Month events, news and historical facts about our wonderful Confederate Heritage. Read more at:
We reached 13,457 people this past week on our face book site. If you are not on face book you missed the latest post: W&L students demand removal of confederate flag—Read full story at:
Please email me with events, news and CHHM proclamation signings for posting.
Thank you and have a Dixie day!
Calvin E. Johnson, Jr., Chairman, National and Georgia Division SCV Confederate History and Heritage Month committee
Mike Crane Co-Chairman
Members: John Black, Billy Bearden, Fred Wilhite and in memory of member Jeff Davis