Sunday, December 28, 2014

SCV Telegraph- Letter to Division Commanders

   Sons of Confederate Veterans

We have believed from the beginning that our effort would likely come to a conclusion by the end of the year, give or take a few days or weeks. The effort to prevent the completion of the merger of the Museum of the Confederacy and the Museum at Tredegar (as well as, to a lesser extent, the Virginia Historical Society) is now coming down to the wire. Our new deadline is 23 December.

If the MoC is to be saved, it is up to us, the SCV. We have asked the UDC (national organization) to join us, but they have declined. Although they have expressed some sympathy for our effort, they have rejected our appeal and elected to follow their own path, even though they know that path will not yield any results. In addition, we have asked the Military Order of the Stars and Bars for assistance. They, likewise, are sympathetic and, at this writing, appear to be leaning toward offering some financial support, but if they do, it probably will not arrive before the 23rd.

Therefore, I urge, indeed, I beg you to join the Virginia Division and the General Executive Council with pledges of significant monetary donations before 23 December.

I fear I have not adequately reminded everyone in general and you in particular, that this fight is not just for the benefit of the Virginia Division. When the Confederate Memorial Literary Society was founded, it was set up to be managed by a board of regents composed of two representatives from each Confederate state. If each Division could now make a donation allowing us to ask the Richmond Circuit Court, then the Virginia Supreme Court of Appeals to prevent the completion of the merger, we hope to return the management of the MOC to Confederate-friendly hands.

If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact Edwin Ray at 804-517-6587 or JRAY250443@AOL.COM.

Most sincerely,

Edwin Ray
MoC Committee
Virginia Division, SCV

Charles Kelly Barrow
Sons of Confederate Veterans 

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