Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Help us save 1,424 acres of battlefield land.

Save 5 Battlefields
As this very tumultuous year draws to a close, will you help me preserve land at five crucial Civil War battlefields, including the preservation of an entire battlefield in one fell swoop?
As we complete a record year of saving acres of battlefield land, will you join me in this last-minute push to save nearly $7.7 million worth of highly "developable" and endangered hallowed ground—more than 1,400 acres—for only $69,932?
 Battlefield  # Acres  $ Value of Land  Trust Share (Projected)
1. Wilderness / Chancellorsville  81  $575,000  $10,000
2. Wilson's Creek  10  $67,000  $16,750
3. South Mountain  14  $230,000  $10,000
4. Bentonville  169  $853,000  $25,440
5. Cool Spring  1,150  $5,937,742  $7,742
 TOTALS  1,424  $7,653,742  $69,932
We are racing to comply with landowner wishes and complete most of these transactions this year, so it goes without saying that if you can possibly make one more year-end gift, we can—and will—certainly put it to excellent use!
And our magnificent $109 to $1 match will tremendously magnify the power of your gift.
Yours, 'til our battle is won,
Jim Lighthizer

Save a battlefield

2012: Year End Video

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p 202-367-1861 | e info@civilwar.org
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