Friday, November 2, 2012

Help Us Save 1,139 Acres of Battlefield Land

Save Appomattox, Sailor's Creek, Kelly's Ford
How many times are you presented with the opportunity to save more than a thousand acres of Civil War battlefield land?
The Civil War Trust is proud to announce three preservation opportunities totaling 1,139 acres. This campaign includes a 45 acre tract at Appomattox Court House, 130 acres at Sailor's Creek, and 964 at Kelly's Ford. Each of these tracts represents key, unprotected portions of these historic battlefields.
Coupled with the eye-popping acreage is a match that will multiply every dollar donated by $56!
Join us as we work to save 1,139 acres at these three Civil War battlefields.
Save Appomattox
Save Sailor's Creek
Save Kelly's Ford
Thank you very much for all that you are doing to save our nation's crucial Civil War heritage.
Yours, 'til our battle is won,
Jim Lighthizer


Stay up to date with a calendar

Donate $36 and more and we'll send you a copy of our 2013 Civil War Trust Calendar

Mark the commitment

Donate $100 or more and we'll place your name on a permanent marker at the Appomattox tract that we are working to save
Copyright © 2012 Civil War Trust
1156 15th Street N.W. Suite 900, Washington, D.C. 20005
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