Missouri House Bill 2476 has been filed by Representative Warren Love. Attached is a copy of the bill. Please note - this is by no means of a guarantee of ANYTHING. As with all bills, it must clear several hurdles. It must receive several "readings", then be assigned to a committee, get voted on and passed by the committee, before being brought to a vote of the House. It can also be amended during this process as well. It would then have to pass the House before being moved to the Senate.
This bill is probably not perfect, but it is a start. Let us hope it does not die in committee and gets to the floor and beyond. Let us also thank Representative Love for his efforts and hard work.
I suggesting that you contact your State Representatives at this time and let your voices be heard. Again this is:
House Bill 2476 - Establishes the Missouri Heritage Protection Act of 2016 to preserve any state historic military monument or memorial, marker, designated veterans' grave marker, and statutorily designated monument or memorial.
I am also copying Bruce Hillis on this as he has worked hard and also understands the Missouri Legislative Process probably better than any of us.
I will continue to work very hard on this and keep you posted as to any developments.
Darrell L. Maples - Commander
Missouri Division - SCV
See text of the bill here: HB2476I.PDF