Missouri Division Sons of Confederate
Executive Council Meeting
May 5, 2012
Started around 9:00a.m. at the
Truman Hotel in Jefferson City, Mo. Darrell Maples had welcomed everyone to the
Meeting. Pledge of Allegiance to United States Flag by Keith daleen and Salute
to the Confederate Flag by Paul Lawrence
Those present at the meeting were:
Paul Lawrence~ Shelby Camp Commander/Mo. Div. Adjutant, Darrell Maples~ Div.
Commander, Keith Daleen~ Cheif-of-Staff, B.J. Montgomery~ Western Brigade Commander, Randall
Little~Porter Camp Commander Jason Coffman~ Hughes Camp Commander, Duane Mayer~
Utz Camp Commander, Billy Ed Bowden~ Eastern Brigade Commander, Don Bowman~
Central Brigade Commander, Noel A. Crowson~ Gates Camp Commander, Neil Block~
Anderson Commander/Div. Historian, Jared Lawler ~ Coffee Camp Commander, Stan
Myers~ Parsons Camp Commander and Larry Smith~ Mo. Div. Lt. Commander.
Adjutant’s Report:
Life Membership ~ $1114.50, O'Connor Fund ~ $920.41, Heritage Defense fund ~
$2605.23, Dues Account ~ $7492.04 & Main Checking ~ $7071.16. Sent a Check to Randy Etheridge at the O'Neil
Marble Works for the bench amount of $450.00. Sent a check to Kelly’s engraving
amount of $25.00 and to Gary Ayres for the Newsletter amount of $392.00. Dues
collected on 4-28-2012 David Cowell, Homer Ellis and Perry Ellis.
Report: Keith Daleen presented each Camp Commander
with a copy of the updated Missouri Division Constitution & Bylaws.
Division fund raiser
will be a Missouri Division Confederate Flag Polo Shirt. See Camp Commander for
ordering. Camp Commander or Adjutants need to send order form to Darrell
Maples by July 4, 2012. Make Check to Missouri Division - SCV.
Missouri Division Reunion
for 2013 will be March 23 & 24 so, put on your calendars ASAP 1st Lt.
Commander - Larry Smith will have the details on the agenda for the event. We
are looking for Sponsors for a event this could be a camp or individual person
and they will be recognized into our program that is made up for the
Missouri Division Awards The Brigade Commanders to Establish Nomination
Criteria for: Col. Joe Porter Award (Outstanding Member), Outstanding Camp,
Best Newsletter and Lindsey Whiteside award ( Most new camp members). Any
member of the Division can recommend any member for one of these awards all you
have to do is send to your Brigade Commander.
Please send your newsletters for the camp to your brigade commander!
Joe Porter Award Medal
Proposal To be presented along with current plaque, and also provided
to each past recipient of the award. * Reasoning for the medal is like that of
most medals, although the current recipients receive a very nice plaque, there
is no outward sign that they have been recognized by the Missouri Division for
performing above and beyond the call of duty.
Confederate Memorial Day
June 2, 2012 at Higginsville, Mo. Confederate Cemetery. Billy Ed Bowden will be standing in for
Commander Darrell Maples who cannot attend due to a wedding.
Newsletter Everyone
will see a paper newsletter but please send back you post card to let the
newsletter maker know how you would like to receive it.
Website Please look at
our website for up coming events and it is being change up to date. Check us
out on Facebook and Division Adjutant e-mail: modivscv@yahoo.com
Silver Coin Project
You can order any state at any time even if it has not been made yet get yours
today!! Every member in Missouri that orders one the Missouri Division will
receive $12.00 per coin. Anyone can
order a coin, not just members.
Provisional Brigade Assignment
for new Brig./Gen. Wingo Camp #2213 will be placed in the Eastern Brigade.