Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Fw: The History and Literature of the South Series

Subject: The History and Literature of the South Series

We are proud to bring you several sets of outstanding DVDs on Southern history and literature featuring some of the most prominent scholars in the country such as Dr. Clyde Wilson, Professor Edward C. Smith, Dr. Don Livingston, Dr. David Aiken, Dr. Mark Winchell and others: www.BonnieBluePublishing.com. Most DVDs are $7.95 in beautiful jewel box cases to display the historical artwork, but less in sets, and are packed well and shipped in boxes. We also have a new essay, "The Slavery Lie," the famous 1937 treatise by Charles W. Ramsdell, "Lincoln and Fort Sumter," and other historical material. Hope you enjoy it! Please scroll down.

Thank You!
Magna est veritas et praevalebit
(Great is truth and it will prevail)
Gene Kizer
Charleston Athenaeum Press
P.O. Box 13012
Charleston, SC 29422-3012