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I can think of very little that makes me want to punch someone in the face as much as listening to a sanctimonious, meddling outsider lecture us on what we should or shouldn't be doing. NEWSFLASH... WE, the sons and daughters of the greatest army ever assembled, will decide exactly when and how we honor our Confederate dead, and we do not need your permission, nor your approval, nor your patronizing, condescending advice!
Susan Frise Hathaway
RVA Monument Guards - Weekend Protests Update
Many of you contacted us to express concern about the risk of vandalism and damage to our monuments in light of the protesters who gathered in RVA over the weekend and announced plans to hold a rally at the RE Lee monument.
We have known about the planned protests for weeks, and communicated directly with the Richmond Police and the State Capitol Police regarding their plans and ours.
One of the most disturbing aspects of the planned protests was a professed communist group that specifically targeted the monuments. We monitored their activity in the weeks leading up to August 13, and their attempt to tack on the "March to Destroy White Supremacy" to the larger protest was a dismal failure. There were only a small handful visible among the hundreds of "minimum wage" protestors, and they garnered no attention from protest organizers or the media.
We are pleased to report that when our monument guards arrived Saturday afternoon to begin their first shift, they reported that there had not been any damage of any kind to any of our monuments.
One of the most disturbing aspects of the planned protests was a professed communist group that specifically targeted the monuments. We monitored their activity in the weeks leading up to August 13, and their attempt to tack on the "March to Destroy White Supremacy" to the larger protest was a dismal failure. There were only a small handful visible among the hundreds of "minimum wage" protestors, and they garnered no attention from protest organizers or the media.
We are pleased to report that when our monument guards arrived Saturday afternoon to begin their first shift, they reported that there had not been any damage of any kind to any of our monuments.
We doubled our patrols on Saturday as a precaution, with folks on duty throughout the afternoon, evening and overnight. Monument Guards reported a heavy presence by the Richmond Police Department, and hourly foot patrols of the Robert E. Lee Monument by the Capitol Police, which continued overnight and into Sunday morning.
The Va Flaggers would like to offer our thanks and appreciation to the Richmond and Capitol police, who were out in force during the protests, and helped protect our monuments from suffering any damage, and to all of our Monument Guards who volunteered to help with increased monument patrols over the weekend.
For over a year now, the RVA Monument Guards have been a presence on Monument Avenue, keeping a watchful eye over our monuments there and others throughout the Capital of the Confederacy. If you would like to assist with this ongoing effort to patrol and protect our monuments, please send an email to RVAMonumentGuards@gmail.com for more information.
For over a year now, the RVA Monument Guards have been a presence on Monument Avenue, keeping a watchful eye over our monuments there and others throughout the Capital of the Confederacy. If you would like to assist with this ongoing effort to patrol and protect our monuments, please send an email to RVAMonumentGuards@gmail.com for more information.
Susan Hathaway
Va Flaggers
Va Flaggers
Duke Danger
From: wdkennedy@reagan.com
David Duke Enemy of Southern Heritage
Fellow Compatriots,
I am sure you all are more than aware of the damage unleashed upon our Southern heritage last year by Nikki Haley, the Republican governor of South Carolina. Haley's actions began the latest and most severe round of Southern cultural genocide—the ferocity of which I have not seen in my 50 years of defending Southern Rights. As bad as Nikki Haley's attack was there is one coming that may very well spell the total or near total death of our Southern Rights defense in Louisiana—David Duke!
Let me be clear about this, I was a supporter of Mr. Duke many years ago after he announced that he no longer held racist views and believed in equal rights before the law. Subsequent to that statement Mr. Duke has, often with Confederate flags flying in or near his ranting, made crude racists remarks that offers our enemies the very tools they need to "tar-brush" every member of the SCV or other Southern heritage organizations as bigoted, racists and "Heritage Klansmen."
In his upcoming campaign for U.S. Senator from Louisiana if Duke attempts to wrap himself in the Confederate flag as a champion in defense of our flag and monuments, you can count on it, every time we attempt to defend our heritage as being non-racist, Duke's name and image will be thrown at us. As unfair as it is, we will be tarred by the brush of a racist David Duke—all the goodwill we have gained for being an open and inclusive group will evaporate from both the Black and White community. If you think it is difficult defending our heritage and rights today, just wait until our movement is seen as an adjunct of David Duke's Louisiana. As I said, I once supported Mr. Duke; fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me! I refuse to be a fool for such a racist, whose racism is more in line with the racism of the North than the warm friendly race relationship of the South. Remember, Duke does not represent the South; after all, Mr. Duke's relatives wore the Blue of the Yankee invader not the Gray of our Confederate ancestors.
During the National Sons of Confederate Veterans Reunion this past July, Ron and I witnessed many "minority" members of our movement who openly cast their lot with us in defending our Southern heritage. For example there were several African-Americans vendors selling pro-South books and articles, a Hispanic Confederate selling SCV grave markers (his ancestors fought in both the War for Texas Independence and the War for Southern Independence), the Heritage Luncheon speaker was an African-American retired police chief who spoke on the subject 'A Black Man's View of the SCV,' and at the Awards Luncheon, an award was given to an African-American lady from Virginia for her resolute defense of Southern heritage. As many polls have demonstrated, not only do a vast majority of White Southerners support our message but a large and growing number of minorities are awaking to the fact that the Confederate flag, Confederate monuments, and their fellow Southern White neighbors, are not their enemies. Recently a poll demonstrated that over 65% of Louisianans support keeping Confederate memorials and monuments. The same poll also demonstrated that a sizable number of African-Americans (42%) also said to "leave the monuments alone." Duke can and will destroy this ever enlarging pool of good will.
Fellow compatriots of the Louisiana Division SCV, the Kennedy Twins are not trying to tell you to support or not support any candidate but we do want you to be aware of the danger that some people pose to the defense of our heritage and rights. Ron and I have always believed in a Liberty Based Society of very limited government where liberty always trumps government. Just because a man "sounds" good on a given issue does not mean he is one of us—he may very well just be using our issue to gain our support for his agenda. Duke's entry into this political race demonstrates why we must gain for one of our own a high political office so he can use the moral suasion of his office to counter the anti-South antics of anti-South cultural bigots such as Haley and Duke. As for now, we must be aware of the danger of allowing our Southern heritage efforts to be linked to someone who is an unrepentant bigot. Please consider these things in the upcoming Senatorial campaign.
Deo Vindice,
Walter D. Kennedy, Past Cmd. La. Div. SCV
James R. Kennedy, Past Cmd. La. Div. SCV
(In agreement with the above statement)
(In agreement with the above statement)
From: waynedobson51@yahoo.com
It seems that it is now fashionable to rabidly hate yet another flag besides the Confederate Battle flag. Earlier this year the EEOC (Equal Employment Opportunity Commission) received a complaint from an African-American charging his employer with discrimination because a co-worker wore a cap with the Gadsden flag (a Revolutionary War banner featuring a coiled snake above the words "Don't Tread On Me.") on it. The supposed offense came because the flag's designer, Christopher Gadsden owned slaves. EEOC likely welcomes such nonsense to justify their existence, so they began investigating if wearing Gadsden Flag headgear to work could be considered racial harassment. Folks, will the utter insanity of political correctness ever just go away? Are we now, as a Nation, so pitifully dumb?
I wonder what the next target will be? Will offended souls start a bonfire of dollar bills because George Washington owned slaves? Let's up the ante – Grant is on the fifty dollar bill and he held his slaves well after the Civil War was over. Come on now. If something is offensive then it is offensive – pitch those greenbacks into the flames if you feel so strongly about it. Perhaps millions of offended will stop drinking Coca Cola because a former Confederate soldier invested it? Just wait, one day someone will figure out that Old Glory flew from the mast of slave ships that docked in America – not the Confederate flag. I'll say one thing for political correctness – it is pretty selective.
It seems that it is now fashionable to rabidly hate yet another flag besides the Confederate Battle flag. Earlier this year the EEOC (Equal Employment Opportunity Commission) received a complaint from an African-American charging his employer with discrimination because a co-worker wore a cap with the Gadsden flag (a Revolutionary War banner featuring a coiled snake above the words "Don't Tread On Me.") on it. The supposed offense came because the flag's designer, Christopher Gadsden owned slaves. EEOC likely welcomes such nonsense to justify their existence, so they began investigating if wearing Gadsden Flag headgear to work could be considered racial harassment. Folks, will the utter insanity of political correctness ever just go away? Are we now, as a Nation, so pitifully dumb?
I wonder what the next target will be? Will offended souls start a bonfire of dollar bills because George Washington owned slaves? Let's up the ante – Grant is on the fifty dollar bill and he held his slaves well after the Civil War was over. Come on now. If something is offensive then it is offensive – pitch those greenbacks into the flames if you feel so strongly about it. Perhaps millions of offended will stop drinking Coca Cola because a former Confederate soldier invested it? Just wait, one day someone will figure out that Old Glory flew from the mast of slave ships that docked in America – not the Confederate flag. I'll say one thing for political correctness – it is pretty selective.
John Wayne Dobson
Macon, GA
Macon, GA
Two Hundred-fifty Half-Starved North Carolina Heroes
From: bernhard1848@gmail.com
The war nearly over in early April 1865 and Southern regiments vastly outnumbered and starving, the defense of Fort Gregg by the decimated Thirty-seventh North Carolina demonstrated the resolve to continue the struggle for independence. Like the earlier heroic defense of Fort McAllister in Georgia, Fort Gregg can be easily compared to the embattled Texians at the Alamo.
Bernhard Thuersam, www.Circa1865.com The Great American Political Divide
Two Hundred-fifty Half-Starved North Carolina Heroes
"The Federal infantry soon came into sight. One Mississippian later wrote: "Ah, what a contrast, what a soul-sickening spectacle to behold. 25,000 men, flushed with recent victory, to be hurled against 250 . . . half-starved heroes, whose hearts of steel [quailed] not even at such fearful odds."
"About ten o'clock the enemy commenced charging with four or five lines," Lieutenant [Dallas M.] Rigler [of Mecklenburg County] would write a few years after the war. "We did not fire until they were within forty yards, and then gave them one volley; they wavered, and then the first line gave way; the second came forward, and came within thirty yards of the fort. We yelled and fired – they stood a few seconds and then broke. The third retreated also, but the fourth and fifth came to the ditch around the fort.
While this fighting was in the front, one line came in the rear and almost got inside the fort through the door. About twenty men charged them, drove them back. About eleven o'clock they scaled the walls of the fort, and for several minutes we had a hand to hand fight. We used the bayonet, and killed almost all of them that came on top."
Private [Angelum M.] Garrison [of Mecklenburg County] chronicled: "A man of Company D, of our regiment, volunteered to shoot while three of us loaded, and we did the best that was possible. This soldier of Company D took good aim, and I think he must have killed or wounded scores of the enemy."
Twenty-year old Lieutenant [Dallas M.] Rigler would conclude his story of the defense of the fort:
"About half-past eleven they attempted to scale the walls again. We met them with the bayonets, and for several minutes it was the most desperate struggle I ever witnessed; but it did not last long. Soon they were all killed or knocked back, and then a deafening shout [arose] from our boys. [But] by this time the ammunition was almost out, and our men threw bats and rocks at them in the ditch. No ammunition would we get, and after a short struggle, they took the fort, and some few did fire on us after they got possession, but their officers tried to stop them."
General [Cadmus] Wilcox would add this, viewing things from outside the fort while in the Confederate lines: "As they [Federals] appeared at this point [Fort Gregg], they were either shot or thrust off with the bayonet . . . Again and again this was done. At length numbers prevailed, and the parapet of the little work was thickly covered with men, six [Northern regimental] flags seen on it at one time; and from this dense mass a close, and of necessity destructive fire, was poured down upon the devoted band within."
(The Thirty-seventh North Carolina Troops, Tar Heels in the Army of Northern Virginia, Michael C. Hardy, McFarland & Company, 2003, pp. 228-229)
Seminary Ridge Museum at Gettysburg
Plus A New Museum at Monterrey Pass
Saturday, October 15, 2016
And, Learn about the South Cavalry Field Encounter At the Foot of Big Round Top
We'll spend almost two hours at the new Seminary Ridge Museum, which focuses on the July 1, 1863 battle that included fighting on the streets of town and the death of Union Major General John Reynolds. The Museum has four floors chock full of colorful and interesting displays. Elevators make the tour an easy task for all. After lunch at Pickett's Buffet next to the site of the famous charge, we'll take a short drive to the base of Big Round Top to explain the late afternoon battle on July 3 that pitted Union cavalry against Confederate infantry. On the way to Monterrey Pass, we'll travel through Fairfield, the site of a cavalry encounter earlier the same day. At the new museum, you'll hear the full story of a midnight battle involving Union General George Custer that was fought in a tremendous storm as a long Confederate wagon train retreated toward the Potomac River.
Reynolds, John F Union Gen776
MG John F. Reynolds
MG John F. Reynolds
Start the day with coffee and donuts at the Museum, 6121 Franconia Road, in the Franconia Governmental Center. Board a comfortable, restroom equipped motor coach for the trip to the battlefields as well as lunch, gratuities, fees and a McDonald's snack card on the way home.
Sponsored by the Franconia Museum
Both Sides Tour October 15, 2016 Registration Form
Sponsored by the Franconia Museum
Both Sides Tour October 15, 2016 Registration Form
Contact Don Hakenson at 703-971-4984 or dhakenson@verizon.net
Carl Sell at 703-971-4716 or sellcarl@aol.com
Ben Trittipoe at 571-274-2467 or btritt1@gmail.com
Cost: $100.00. ** Cost includes bus, lunch, and a fast-food value card on the way home, as well as entrance fees to the historic sites and a contribution to the Franconia Museum. Bottled water will be provided on the bus. No cancellations after October 11, 2016. Tour will be Held Rain or Shine. Leave from Franconia Museum at Franconia Governmental Center, 6121 Franconia Road. Free parking.
***Price does NOT include cupola tour. Add $20 for tour. (Cupola is NOT handicap accessable).
Make checks payable to Don Hakenson.
Mail to:
Both Sides Tour
4708 Lillian Drive
Franconia, VA 22310
Mail to:
Both Sides Tour
4708 Lillian Drive
Franconia, VA 22310
Coming in April 2017: Spend a day visiting battle sites from the 1864 Shenandoah Valley Campaign near Winchester, Virginia.
Lincolnology: The Real Abraham Lincoln Revealed in His Own Words Paperback –
by Lochlainn Seabrook
There are two Abraham Lincolns: Lincoln the political celebrity, whose image has been carefully crafted by Lincoln scholars, biographers, and mythographers, and the true Lincoln, whose actual words are almost completely unknown to the general public. Why are they not known? Because they have been concealed, ignored, or misconstrued by Lincoln apologists. In some cases they have even been destroyed. Lincoln's business associates, family members, and personal friends, for example, intentionally burned many of his writings. What is it that Lincoln devotees are so afraid of, and why have they been so careful to bury all traces of the real man? The reason is simple. Exposing the hidden but authentic Lincoln would uncover both his felonious behavior and the illegalities of his war on the South in 1861. In his stunning 1,050-page work, "Lincolnology" - the only study ever undertaken on the president's suppressed, misinterpreted, and forgotten writings and speeches - Southern historian and award-winning Tennessee author Lochlainn Seabrook seeks to replace these pages so nefariously torn from our American history books. With nearly 2,000 footnotes and a 1,000-book bibliography, this well documented 400,000-word volume will forever alter the way America views its sixteenth chief executive. This special Civil War Sesquicentennial Edition includes an exhaustive index and provocative in-depth chapters on everything you need to know about so-called "Honest Abe," from his war crimes, political outrages, anti-South Reconstruction plans, black colonization efforts, and atheism, to his real views on race, secession, the Constitution, and abolition. Also included are photographs of Lincoln, his cabinet, and his military chiefs. Introduction is by Dr. J. Michael Hill, President of the League of the South, former Professor at Stillman College, former Professor of British History, University of Alabama, and author of Celtic Warfare. Foreword is by Robert Lovell, M.A., five-term mayor of Leesburg, Florida, ten-year Republican State Committee Representative, Lieutenant Colonel in Hardee's Corps, and author of Cracker Outlaw. Lochlainn Seabrook is the winner of the prestigious Jefferson Davis Historical Gold Medal. Known as the "American Robert Graves" after his celebrated English cousin, Seabrook is a seventh-generation Kentuckian of Appalachian heritage, the sixth great-grandson of the Earl of Oxford, and the author of over thirty popular books, including: "Abraham Lincoln: The Southern View"; "The Unquotable Abraham Lincoln"; "A Rebel Born: A Defense of Nathan Bedford Forrest"; "The Quotable Jefferson Davis"; "The Quotable Robert E. Lee"; "The McGavocks of Carnton Plantation: A Southern History"; "Nathan Bedford Forrest: Southern Hero, American Patriot"; "Carnton Plantation Ghost Stories: True Tales of the Unexplained From Tennessee's Most Haunted Civil War House!"; and "The Caudills: An Etymological, Ethnological, and Genealogical Study."
Debunking the Debunking: Gary Ross and His "Myths of the Civil War."
By Ryan Walters
Green Rieves (Devil Horse)
Company Aytch
My great great grandfather
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Thursday, August 18th: Flagging the VMFA, 200 N. Boulevard, 4:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m.
Saturday, August 20th: Flagging the VMFA, 200 N. Boulevard, 9:00 a.m. - NOON
Saturday, August 20th: King William County Fest, 9:00 am – 4:00 pm, In Front of Historic Courthouse
King William Road, King William, VA 23086. The Virginia Flaggers will have a table with information and merchandise available.
King William Road, King William, VA 23086. The Virginia Flaggers will have a table with information and merchandise available.
Tuesday, August 23rd: Flagging the VMFA, 200 N. Boulevard, 4:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m.
Saturday, August 27th: Flagging the VMFA, 200 N. Boulevard, 10:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.
August 27, 2016 - The Olde South Ball
Spartanburg, SC
Monday, September 5th: The Virginia Flaggers will join the Powhatan Troop, Camp #1389 for the Annual Powhatan Labor Day Parade. 11:00 a.m. Historic Powhatan County Courthouse.
Sept. 7 - Meeting Announcement, Battle of Sharpsburg Camp #1582, Sons of Confederate Veterans
Battle of Sharpsburg Camp #1582, Sons of Confederate Veterans, Wednesday, September 7th, 2016, 7:00 P.M., Sharpsburg Town Hall, 2nd Floor, 106 East Main St., Sharpsburg, MD. Our guest speaker will be historian and author, Mr. Dan Toomey who will be presenting a talk on, "War Came By Train". The meeting is free and is open to the public. For more information, contact Camp Commander Michael Wasiljov at mike24745@aol.com or 301-992-3122-C
Friday, September 16th - Sunday, September 18th: The Va Flaggers will have a table set up at the Field Day of the Past, intersection of Rout 623 (Ashland Road) and Route 622 in Goochland County. Off I-64, exit #172 (Rockville Manakin) south. Grounds are located 1/8 mile from the interstate.
Sept. 17 - 36st Annual Fall Mosby's Confederacy Bus Tour
Sponsored by the Stuart~Mosby Historical Society
Date: Saturday, September 17th, 2016
The Tour Leaders will be Don Hakenson & Eric Buckland & Honored Special Guest: Tom Evans
The bus will be leaving the Truro Rectory (10520 Main Street, Fairfax City) at 8:30 a.m. We will be visiting the Falkland Farm (the home of the notorious Nick Carter), Mosby's Grave, in Warrenton, Marshall, Mount Bleak (A Mosby safe house and later the home of Ranger George Slater), the Clarke Hotel and more. We will (hopefully) be arriving back at Truro around 5:30 p.m. Price: $65 members for the Stuart-Mosby Society - $75 for non-members
To sign up for the tour please contact one of the following:
Don Hakenson ~ Phone: [703] 971-4984 ~ email: dhakenson@cox.net
You may also send a check made payable to Don Hakenson to
Don Hakenson , 4708 Lillian Drive, Alexandria, Virginia 22310
Come with us and tour Northern Virginia's historic "Hallowed Ground". We will be stopping at a "fast food" restaurant for lunch. But Lunch is on your own. This tour is the longest continuous running Mosby bus tour in America! Sorry, we cannot make refunds after September 10, 2016
Sunday, September 25th: SAVE THE DATE! Va Flaggers 5th Anniversary Picnic/Auction. 3:00 p.m. Mechanicsville Moose Lodge Picnic Pavilion, Mechanicsville, VA
Saturday, September 17th: Dedication of the Campbell County Confederate Monument, Campbell County Guards Camp #2117.
Oct. 29 - An SCV family day Whitehall Confederate Memorial Park in Seven Springs Saturday, October 29, 2016 at 2:00 pm
Friday, January 20th, 2017: Susan Hathaway of the Va Flaggers will be the guest speaker for the Lee-Jackson Banquet of the Lt. General Wade Hampton Camp #273, SCV. Seawell's Restaurant, 1125 Rosewood Drive, Columbia, SC, 6:00 p.m.
If you wish to be removed from this list just ask.