Messages from John T. Hughes Camp #614 Sons of Confederate Veterans. We are constantly looking for news and information related to Southern Heritage and the War Between The States.
Thursday, November 5, 2015
Helpful Yankee Artillerist
Though the Southern troops below were astonished by a captured Northern artilleryman offering to help “mow those Yankees down,” it is not surprising that soldiers, most likely European immigrants, who enlisted for money rather than patriotism, would fire upon fellow soldiers they had little in common with other than a blue uniform.
Bernhard Thuersam, The Great American Political Divide
Helpful Yankee Artillerist
“As a result of [General Matthew C.] Butler’s scouting report, [General Wade] Hampton noted that [the enemy’s] left flank was “in the air.” He suggested that if the infantry attacked the Yankees from the west, holding them in position at Ream’s Station, he could come up from the south to drive the Federals away from the [Wilmington & Weldon] railroad and back to their lines. [General Robert E.] Lee agreed with the plan.
The next morning, shortly after sunrise . . . Butler drove the Yankee skirmishers back toward their lines, then waited for the infantry attack. The enemy, of course, was uncomfortable with Butler on their flank, so they opened an artillery barrage toward his ranks. “They are disposed to be rather familiar this morning,” Butler observed calmly to [General Thomas] Rosser.
[After Gen. A.P. Hill’s assault about 3PM], Butler dismounted his men . . . to approach his adversary from the rear. “The enemy, taken on the front and flank, fell back pell mell,” one stated, “through trees cut down, fence rails, breastworks of every kind . . . thrown up as a defense against us.”
The Rebels captured the [enemy] artillery, but no one knew how to fire the pieces. An enemy prisoner saw the problem. “If you boys will allow me,” he called, “I can mow those Yankees down.”
The astonished Confederates moved aside, and the Union gunner quickly opened a devastating fire on his former friends (many of whom were foreigners who did not speak English, some of whom had only recently arrived from overseas). “[He] seems to enjoy the sport very much,” one of [Butler’s] men recalled.”
(Southern Hero, Matthew Calbraith Butler, Samuel J. Martin, Stackpole Book, 2001, pp. 109-110)
Wednesday, November 4, 2015
The Abolitionists Mad and Fatal Course
Henry Clay, the “great compromiser,” pleaded with abolitionists to cease their incendiary activities which threatened to disrupt the Union in a speech before the United States Senate in February 1839. The States he labels as “free” were former slave and slave trading States which were offering no peaceful and practical solutions to the African slavery they greatly helped nurture and perpetuate.
Bernhard Thuersam, The Great American Political Divide
The Abolitionists Mad and Fatal Course
“ . . . Abolition should no longer be regarded as an imaginary danger. The abolitionists, let me suppose, succeed in their present aim of uniting the inhabitants of the free States, as one man, against the inhabitants of the slave States. Union on one side will beget union on the other.
And this process of reciprocal consolidation will be attended with all the violent prejudices, embittered passions, and implacable animosities, which ever degraded or deformed human nature. A virtual dissolution of the Union will have taken place, while the forms of its existence remain.
The most valuable element of union, mutual kindness, the feelings of sympathy, the fraternal bonds, which now happily unite us, will have been extinguished for ever.
One section will stand in menacing and hostile array against the other. The collision of opinion will be quickly followed by the clash of arms. I will not attempt to describe scenes which now happily lie concealed from our view. Abolitionists themselves would shrink back in dismay and horror at the contemplation of desolated fields, conflagrated cities, murdered inhabitants, and the overthrow of the fairest fabric of human government that ever rose to animate the hopes of civilized man.
Nor should these abolitionists flatter themselves that, if they can succeed in uniting the people of the free States, they will enter the contest with a numerical superiority that must insure victory. All history and experience proves the hazard and uncertainty of war. And we are admonished by Holy Writ, that the race is not to the swift, nor the battle to the strong. But if they were to conquer, whom would they conquer?
A foreign foe – one who had insulted our flag, invaded our shores, and laid our country waste? No, sir; no, sir. It would be a contest without laurels, without glory; a self, a suicidal conquest; a conquest of brothers over brothers, achieved by one over another portion of the descendants of common ancestors, who, nobly pledging their lives, their fortunes, and their sacred honor, had fought and bled, side by side, in many a hard battle on land and ocean, severed our country from the British crown, and established our original independence.
The inhabitants of the slave States are sometimes accused by their Northern brethren with displaying rashness and sensibility to the operations and proceedings of the abolitionists.
[But] Let me suppose that the people of the slave States were to form societies, subsidize presses, make large pecuniary contributions, send forth numerous missionaries throughout all their borders, and enter into machinations to burn the beautiful capitals, destroy the productive manufactories, and sink in the ocean the gallant ships of the Northern States. Would these incendiary proceedings be regarded as neighborly and friendly, and consistent with the fraternal sentiments which should ever by cherished by one portion of the Union toward the another?
Would they excite no emotion? Occasion no manifestations of dissatisfaction? Nor lead to any acts of retaliatory violence?
I beseech the abolitionists themselves, solemnly to pause in their mad and fatal course . . . let them select some one more harmless, that does not threaten to deluge our country in blood. I entreat that portion of my countrywomen, who have given their countenance to abolition, to . . . reflect that the ink which they shed in subscribing with their fair hands abolition petitions, may prove but the prelude to the shedding of the blood of their brethren.
I adjure all the inhabitants of the free States to rebuke and discountenance, by their opinion and their example, measures which must inevitably lead to the most calamitous consequences.”
(The South, A Documentary History, Ina Woestemeyer Van Noppen, D. Van Nostrand Company, 1958, pp. 258-260)
Tuesday, November 3, 2015
I agree with Mark Vogl
I agree with Mark Vogl's assessment on the threats made by Black Lives Matter towards the ladies of the United Daughters of the Confederacy who were holding their division meeting in Baton Rouge, La. First off, The Baton Rogue P.D. should have provided around the clock security over these threats as these ladies & their families pay taxes to support the police departments of the state of Louisiana. Had this been any number of black organizations which had been threatened you can bet your last penny security would have been provided in over-whelming numbers.
Black Lives Matter is on the same level as the Nazi Party which used threats, intimidation & violence in the streets by their thugs to get what they wanted. The only difference is those were white Nazis in Germany ours are Black Nazis which the government continues to allow to roam America`s streets attacking anyone & everyone at will & with impunity.
If the K.K.K. was doing the same things these Black Nazis are allowed to do every Klan member involved would have been arrested, charged, tried & serving prison time as we speak. It is past the time that every American should have stood up & demand that our politicians put an end to the hooliganism being created by the street thugs of Black Lives Matter.
It's truly a sad, sad day in America when the lives of the rest of us mean nothing to Washington D.C.
Billy E. Price
Ashville Alabama
Monday, November 2, 2015
Re: Rand Paul Campaign
Dear all:
Regarding Pastor Atwoods' observations about the Rand Paul campaign: yes, I think he has hurt himself very badly by pandering to people who would not have voted for him anyway. I myself was a supporter of Dr. Paul when he was running for Senate in Kentucky, and in his campaign for the presidency. However, after he came out attacking all things Confederate, I contacted his campaign with a message of disgust, removed his bumper sticker from my vehicle, and removed my email from his campaign list.
Another individual, Matt Bevin - running for Governor of Kentucky - has hurt himself in a similar way. He has been a "Tea Party" candidate, an advocate of small government. And I have enthusiastically supported him in the past. However, this summer, he was one of the first politicians in Kentucky asking for the removal of the Jefferson Davis statue in the rotunda of our state capitol. I have also been in contact with his campaign, and have also indicated I would not - could not - support him any longer. I think he will lose the Governor's race to a radical liberal.
How sad when politicians literally ostracize their strongest supporters in order to pander to political correctness, to try to "make points" with people who have shown them nothing but disdain.
What is wrong with these politicians? It is mind-boggling.
John M. Brown
Sunday, November 1, 2015
From “Defending The Heritage” :
As the years passed, Longstreet became bitter, and his attempts to "set the record straight" made the situation worse. He was naive in many ways. He failed to follow his uncle's advice not to anger people by submitting controversial letters to newspapers. He didn't anticipate extreme, long-lasting Southern hatred toward him, nor that there would be consequences for supporting Grant, becoming a Republican and accepting political appointments.
On January 2, 1904, Longstreet contracted pneumonia. Large quantities of blood began to flow from his mouth, and he hemorrhaged so badly that the throat wound he had received 49 years earlier was reopened. Delirious for some time, he eventually lost consciousness.
James Longstreet died of pneumonia on the morning of January 2, 1904, just six days short of his 83rd birthday. On January 6th when the services began, a local guard unit and representatives of the Longstreet Chapter of the United Daughters of the Confederacy attended. Two priests and Bishop Keiley, one of the general's old soldiers, conducted the services. All the Longstreet children except James attended. After services at the courthouse, pallbearers carried the casket to a hearse, which began the long procession to Gainesville's Alta Vista Cemetery. State and local dignitaries, militia units, Confederate veterans carrying flags, and other groups followed as church bells tolled.
At the gravesite, Bishop Keiley gave a eulogy, after which guards fired their volleys, and Taps sounded its haunting notes. When the news of his death spread across the country, many newspapers had extolled his virtues as a man and his prowess as a general. Too bad they waited so long. As the pallbearers prepared to lower the casket, one of his old soldiers was moved to lay his uniform and enlistment papers on the lid of Longstreet's coffin, saying nothing, but speaking volumes. Despite all the accusations, he still commanded the respect of thousands both North and South, both Blue and Gray.
Larry Spears
Communications Officer
Camp 1524
Prattville Dragoons
Alabama Division, SCV
Battle of Sharpsburg Camp #1582 Sons of Confederate Veterans Christmas Party
Friday, December 4th 2015
7:00 P.M.
Mrs. Gibble’s Restaurant & Candies
7325 Molly Pitcher Highway
Greencastle, PA 17225
We’ll be meeting in the main dining room and will be enjoying an All-You Can-Eat Family Style Menu consisting of Tossed Salad, Corn Fritters, Fried Chicken and Baked Ham with Pineapple Sauce, Mashed Potatoes and Gray, Green Beans, Pie and Drink for $25.00 per person.
Please RSVP Camp Commander Michael Wasiljov by Monday, November 23rd, 2015. Make all checks payable to Camp Commander Michael Wasiljov and mail to:
Commander Michael Wasiljov
213 Pangborn Blvd.
Hagerstown, MD 21740
For more info, please contact me at or
Phone Number:_________________________________________________
“Figure a man’s only good for one oath at a time; I took mine to the Confederate States of America.”
John Wayne as Ethan Edwards
The Searchers
"Black Lives Matter" to protest La. UDC meeting...threats of violence issued
For the first time in my life, I am now experiencing what so many human beings, in so many third world nations experience.
The United Daughters of the Confederacy annual convention in Louisiana is being targeted by a violent, out of control group which has caused the host hotel to block all vendors from selling items at the convention. Therefore, I was called today by the president of the La. UDC and told that I could not be a an event planned for more six months... product ordered a year ago, made overseas, shipped into the US ...not allowed to be sold because of the threats of violence and vandalism at the host hotel!
The women are experiencing threats of violence.
Business interests now must fold to the threat of violence.
Investments, travel plans, etc.
The police in Baton Rouge appear unable to provide security for the event.
This is the result of the Obama Presidency, the Supreme Court, and the McConnell - Boehner leadership in Congress. America...petrified.
Where is the FBI? Where is Homeland Defense when this kind of domestic terrorism occurs?
Folks, if you think this is limited to Southern heritage organizations you are forgetting 1968, and you are forgetting Ferguson and every other race based riot.
It would appear that President Barack Obama has either lost control of "community" or is encouraging a state violence in order to declare martial law... something America has never done, not even during the Civil War!
Thank you to all those in public office, or have been in public office who have allowed this situation in the United States of America. This is the result of rejecting Christ, rejecting American heritage and culture, and the election of race oriented, anti-American socialist into the White House. If you say that is not true, please show me President Obama's reaction to the ongoing violence in this nation?! Please show me his Executive Orders directing the FBI and other agencies to crack down on Black Lives Matter, the New Black Panthers and other Hate groups!
Remember the Jews in Germany? That's how I as a Southerner feel now..but there is one difference...and I will use it to defend my life, my home, my family and my faith. And I stand ready to follow that leader who will react to this direct attack on the American Way.
God Bless the South, and I pray for His Protection and Providence.
Mark Vogl
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