Dear Compatriots:
We appear to now be "at war" in Memphis. Our brothers there have acted in an exemplary manner, but have been met with contempt. Lee Millar, the SCV representative there sent this to me on Thursday afternoon --
It appears that our Memphis City Council will not be swayed by facts or reason and are determined to erase our Confederate Parks.
We must now resort to the courts.
We are strapping in for, perhaps, a long, rough ride. It will take money to see this through - and see it through we must. This is one of the most important Heritage battles that we have faced in a number of years, so we need to "count the cost." Does this matter... are we willing to contribute to this fight... if we should loose, what then? How do we put a price on this?
I am sending you, again, the link for the legal defense fund website--
Here, also, is the mailing address:
Citizens To Save Our Parks P.O. Box 241875 Memphis, TN 38124
I'm throwing out a challenge - HELP OUR COMPATRIOTS IN MEMPHIS RAISE $60,000 BY THE END OF THE MONTH. It shouldn't be that hard... this works out to about $2 for every SCV member - and this is EVERYONE'S fight.
·Give generously; send to the above address
·If you are unable to give, encourage your Camp Commander to lead in a giving effort - camp allocation, "pass the hat" collection, whatever
·Division Commanders: take the lead, here. Challenge the other Divisions to meet your contributions; motivate your Camp Commanders
·Distribute this to members of other Heritage organizations (UDC, DAR, SAR, etc.), as well as veterans groups (VFW, American Legion, etc) - this is not just "our Confederate problem", but part of a larger problem of deconstructing our history as Americans
·Most importantly... PRAY
This is when we decide what we're all about as an organization... "Meet, Greet, Eat and Retreat?" How 'bout, "Turn up the Heat; Send our enemies to Defeat!"
Let's show the world that the name of our one and only President... the name of our most innovative and overachieving General and the simple moniker, "Confederate" still mean something... not only in Memphis, but throughout Dixie and beyond. Please give.
Gene Hogan
Chief of Heritage Defense
(866) 681 - 7314